never stop believe

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hey I'm mersaidez! I'm 14year oldthis is my story. in 3 grade move in with my mom. I used to live with my pap. in 4 grade I move back in with my pap because my mom and her boyfriend pick up and left  and took my brother. in 4-5 grade I got bully really bad because I was kind of fat but just by a couple girl tho. but this one girl mad  me so mad in 5 grade  she got up in my face and call me whore and i slap her in her face  then after that i was very bad in school! in the last 2 Month of school the same girl I snap  was in the bathroom and told me she was going to Beat me up so I start hit her head of the sink after that I had someone walk around with me. in 6 grade i  told. myself I would  not fight no one even know I got pick on 7 grade I  was done  I beat her up again then she got 2 girl to jump me in school and before that I had headaches really bad but when they jump me I hit my head of the wall and the floor so know there a hair line crack on the back of my head till this day I still go to the Dr for my head and of been year now. and I been out of school for a year now . then 4month ago I OD on my sleeping pills I almost DIE  my heart stop my whole body shut down  then told my pap I was not going to make

it just because of one girl  who want to make funny of me

now she tell me go OD again ,go kill yourself, your no one and lot more

now 3 weeks ago she got one of my best friend  well I though she was but her and that girl that been bully jump me 3 weeks ago  and the cops didn't do anything the last time but idk if they will this time hopefully they do something because I would hate for anyone to go though 

what i had to go though it suck but now I life ever day like it the last:)

PS don't let no one to get to you you are better then that

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2014 ⏰

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