Chapter 8

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Rikki's life quickly returned to normal. She was working hard again and now she was living with Zane in a beautiful apartment close to Rikki's. But there was still a big hole in her heart and she couldn't put her finger on it. Luckily she had too much work and didn't have the time to worry about that.

It was Friday and Rikki was in her and Zane's bed, legs crossed, and working on her laptop.

Since she worked as both video editor and graphic designer, she had way too much work. The curly blond felt really tired, but determined to finish the most of it by the end of the day. Suddenly her phone rang from the nightstand and she picked up not moving her eyes from the computer screen.


"Rikki Chadwick?!"

"Yes, speaking."

"Hello. My name's Don Halbert and I'm from Screen Australia entertainment."

"Uh huh." Rikki replied absentmindedly, staring at her computer screen and fixing the colorization of the current video project she was working on.

"We've seen some of your work and we really liked it. So we have a business proposition for you. How'd you like to work for us?"

Suddenly Rikki's eyes shot up from the screen and she pressed the phone to her ear, now fully concentrated on the conversation.

"You're offering me a job?!"

"Yes. The payment will not be a lot more than on your current job, but it'll still be more and we'll be sure to provide anything you need. So what'd you say?"

The wheels on Rikki's mind were working full speed.

"I..I don't know what to say. I'm really flattered and I..yeah, I'll work for you."

"That's great, you won't regret your decision! We'll keep in touch about the details. Have a nice day."

And the call was disconnected.

Rikki put her phone back on the nightstand trying to assimilate what just happened. A representative of Screen Australia had called to offer her job and she had accepted!

The curly blond couldn't describe how she was feeling at that moment. She had worked so hard, she had spent so many years getting better at what she loved doing best and now it had repaid her in a way she had never dreamed of.

Rikki still remembered how everything had begun. She remembered installing the programs and the rush of excitement that jolted through her body when she made her first graphic and then her first video edit. She remembered how later the same day she had showed her work to Cleo and Bella and Emma and how they had exclaimed that she had a real talent for it.

Her laptop laid long forgotten in front of her on the bed, the curly blond deep in her thoughts.

"Hey, guess what, Lewis just called and -" Zane who had walked in the room with two cups of coffee in his hands stood death in his tracks seeing the smile on Rikki's face and the way her eyes wandered dreamily somewhere in the space. "Rikki?! Is everything alright?"

His voice brought Rikki back on earth and she snapped out of her trance. She turned to look at him grinning widely.

"You'll never guess what just happened! A representative of Screen Australia just called to offer me a job as their employee and I accepted!"

Zane offered her a bright, but confused smile.

"That's amazing, but..what is Screen Australia?"

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