James sighed, "Maleta is the breading grounds for the Malfeo and where they raise and keep the Voars."

"Sooo...wouldn't it be good to take out a place like that?"

"It's surrounded by the Morta Forest." Raven interrupted without breaking her glare at James.

"Morta?..Morta Morta.... I've heard that word before..." Beast Boy thought out loud, "Wait, I know! Criatura Morta. The Creatures of Death! Wait....That doesn't sound good....."

"The Morta Forest holds the highest population of the Criature Morta. The forest itself has been dead for a long time. There's at least 2 creature every 100 feet or so and a constant mist that hides them till it's too late. Not only that but Maleta has a 50 foot wall around its boarder AND it is directly next to the capital. There's no way we could even get to it even with a fully loaded army." Raven stated without braking her glare.

James nodded, "Yes this is all true, but let's say perhaps that someone were to have another way of getting to the city without going through the forest?"

Ravens glare turned into shock. "Are you telling me there is another way to get there?"

James didn't say anything else but simply gave her a big smile.

"Ummm..." Beast Boy kept glancing back at the two completely confused despite all that explaining.

"So this alternate route of yours," Raven started to question, "what's the catch?"

James looked over at the confused Beast Boy and gave a small chuckle. "Perhaps we should go to the main tent to discuss the details.

Raven simply nodded as James turned and walked back towards the main tent.

"Perhaps you would like to join us as well, Beast Man?" James yelled over his shoulder.

Beast Boy smiled, "Ya hear that Raven? He called me a man!"

Raven let out a small hided smile and blush as she muttered out "Whatever, let's go see what the plan is."

Beast Boy frowned but grabbed Sunshine's hand and followed nonetheless.

"Right this way." After some short walking, they were at the front of the tent where James was holding it open for them.

Raven and Beast Boy heard yelling inside as some of the other council members argued.

"It's too risky!" they heard Marks familiar voice yell out.

"Risky!? What's risky is letting a savage animal and a wretched devils child wander free in our village!!" Elora's voice shrilled back at him.

Raven stopped hesitantly outside the entrance.

"Hey.." Beast Boy gently grabbed her hand again for the second time that morning.

"We can do this." He said.

Raven looked at him. She could see in his eyes the same pain she felt in her heart.

She let out a sigh and nodded once. "Let's go" she told him.

As the walked in they drew the attention of everyone in the room.

Elora let out a scoff, "Speak of the devils."

Raven look at the middle aged woman. Her long blonde hair was nearly faded out by the grey growing in it and her face looked old, worn, and tired, but yet she still stood like a warrior with her spear slung around her back.

The man next to her was much younger with short blue hair and long twin blades hanging at his side. Although he appeared to be more focused on something other than the discussion. Raven noticed his eyes wandering off to another female council member who appeared to be the same age as he was. She had long bright red curls and had several different blades strapped along her body and from the looks of it, several more that were hidden.

This I Promise (Beast Boy x Raven)Where stories live. Discover now