Chapter 3

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James and I were up at the burrow in the kitchen.

"I want to make a cake" I said with finality in my voice.

Everyone else was outside enjoying the sunshine.

"Then let's make one together." James said.

We got the ingredients out of the cupboard and decided to make a lemon drizzle.

The recipe we found was only meant to serve 6 and as we had 30 people in total we just timed all the ingredient quantities by 10 because we eat a lot. We were going to make cup cakes though because otherwise we wouldn't have a cake tin big enough so.

James was reading out the instructions to me while I was doing what he said. When the mixture was ready to be put in their cupcake papers, James got a spoon and stared to help me spoon it in to the little paper cups.

Once all the cups were full we put them into the oven and started to lick the bowl together.

All of a sudden I have flour all over my face.

"James Sirius potter, how dare you!" I yell and throw flour back in his face.

"Oh it's on!" He says.

"Like donkey kong" I said.

And before we know it we are laughing in a flour fight.

All of a sudden I feel two strong arms wrap around my waist and pick me up spinning me round. We must of looked insane, two teens covered in flour, laughing and spinning about.

"What on earth happened in here?!" Mrs. Potters voice screamed out over our laughing.

"Flour fight?" James said putting me down trying to contain our laughter.

"It's a mess!" She cried.

"You will get cup cakes out of it though." James suggested trying to ease the tension.

"Was it worth it?" She asked.

"Definitely" James and I said with a final nod.

"No it wasn't!" She continued to scream.

"What's all the yelling about?" Molly asked walking in.

"Oh my- KITCHEN! Please say I am getting cakes out of all this mess?" She asked.

"Of course, we aren't completely useless!" James said with an eye role.

"Well in which case I don't care, just tidy up and call me when the cakes are ready." She said with a laugh muttering something about young love.

"Yes tidy it up!" Mrs potter yelled!

After we finished tidying up, we heard the ding from the oven telling us that the cakes were done.

We put the lemon icing on and then took the outside yelling "CAKES!" As we walked.

We suddenly heard a stampede of feet. We both grabbed a cake each and stood back so we wouldn't get caught up in the attack on the cakes.

"I'm going in the lake, who's coming?" I declared.

All the kids put their hands up and we walked down. I took my top and shorts off (picture at top) and James took his top off too. We ran along the pier that went out into the water and with a running start we jumped off the end holding hands. I heard a click of a camera and saw that it was Rose again. She loved photography.

I didn't care. I was loving today, just spending it all with James.

We decided to have a shoulder fight. I was on James' shoulders, Rose on Scorpius', Ginny on Harry's, Victorie on Teddy's, Hermione on ron's, Lily in Albus', Roxanne on Fred's, Molly on Draco's, Lucy on Hugo's which left Domineque on Louis'.

We were all laughing as we tried to push each other over, we had gotten everyone out, and it was just James and I against Teddy and Victorie.

James and I knew that the other two were ticklish and so we used that as our advantage. We both started to tickle the other two until they both fell back.

"We are victorious!" We cried together throwing out arms in the air.

Out of nowhere everyone else went to push us over. We both fell back with a scream.

"Not fair" we said when we resurfaced.

"So fair" the others called back.

I thought it would be strange having our parents here but it isn't. They are all really cool, well except Hermione. I still haven't forgiven her for the other day.

I am know for my unforgiving nature. I still haven't forgiven my first friend at Hogwarts, Maddie Goyal-Parkinson for kissing my first crush, Tim Flint, a Ravenclaw in our year. That was the second week of first year. We are still enemies to this day.

But her twin sister, Sophie is my best friend. Sophie is nothing like Maddie, but then she is also nothing like me. Maddie is a total slut. She wears hardly anything and cakes on makeup. Sophie however, she is a real tomboy she is not into make up and loves to wear baseball caps, jeans and hoodies. In that sense she is much like me but she is also very quiet and not big into parties, however I am loud and outgoing.

She has liked Fred since I introduced her to him in third year but is too afraid to ask him out, while I was the one that asked James out. I know what you are probable thinking: wwwwhhhhhaaaaatttt?! It's true little 2nd year, 12 year old me asking a gryffindor out. Apparently he was about to ask me out. It was the year our parents decided to try and put all their past behind them and get on for Albus and Scorpius. Because of this my parents invited the potters to our Christmas Eve ball, which James came to.

He asked me to dance and after the song finished I asked him.

We were really worried about telling our parents but then we thought that no matter what they say we are going to stay together so we just told them. They were cool with it they thought that it would help them get on.

Then again I think they thought that it was only going to last a few weeks, not just under 5 years.

Oh well, they get on now.

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