Moving away

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I lived with my dad ever since him and my mum got divorced but my dad was moving away to Australia to live with his new girlfriend and he said I couldn't go with him so I had to go and move to my mums in LA I guess I am excited because I haven't seen them in years
Your probably wondering them well I have a brother his name is Taylor the last time I saw him was 7 years ago he is 22 now and I am 16 I don't talk to him because I don't have any social media I am just not into it

Today was the day I was moving to LA and I had already packed all my bags and my dad put them in the car I got dressed in a white Calvin Klein crop top , black rip jeans. I straightened my hair and put on some mascara

Dad : cass we are leaving in 30 minutes
Me : okay dad coming down now

I walk down and my dad was sitting on the couch

Me : dad I am just going to Blakes house
Blake is my best friend because well I don't have any other friend

Dad : okay be back in 20 minutes

Me : yep cya

I walk to Blakes because he only lives 2 house down from me
I get there and knock on the door and Blake opens it and we hug tightly for ever legit

Me : I don't want to let go
I say as the tears rush down me cheek

Blake: cass please don't leave
He says as we brake from the hug and he whips the tears from my cheek

Blake : I will have no one

Me : Blake come visit me
I said as more tears come down my face and on to his shoulder where I was leaning my face on and he hugs me

Me: Blake
I say he looks at me with tears coming off his face I place my hand on his cheek
It's is going to be okay

Blake: I just don't want you to forget me
Me: baby I would never
( we aren't dating we just have a really strong relationship as friends 💗 )

Blake: I have something for you so you never forget me

Me: Awww Blake you didn't have to I will remember you no matter what

Blake takes a box from his pocket and hands it to me. it was a bracelet with a love heart

Me : Blake it's beautiful I love it thank you
I say and kiss him on the cheek

Blake : please don't go he say
I put my hands though his hair

Me : I have to but it will be okay .... Okay ?

Blake : okay
He says we both hug again

Me : Blake I have to go
I say crying

Blake: okay
We hug again for the last time and he kisses me on the cheek

Me : love you

Blake : love you too

I walk down the path and on to the side walk i look back at him and he is standing there crying I hate seeing him cry i can't watch it you run back to Blake and hug him

Me : text me everyday we will face time okay

Blake: okay

He can barely talk because he is crying so much
You walk back down and you hear him crying and he shuts the door i cover my hands over my face because all my mascara has run down my face. while i was walking with my hands covering my face I trip over a rock and cut my knee i get up and there was blood everywhere


I run home and my dad is there waiting

Dad : sweetie you okay

Me : yer dad I said goodbye to Blake you saying starting to tear up

Dad : okay what happened to your knee

Me : I tripped but I am fine

Dad : okay well he have to go now
I got in the car and drove to the airport I get out and hug dad for ages and cried I look like a mess from all the crying

( it is am emotional time 😂 )

Dad: bye Cassidy I will come visit okay

Me : okay I love you dad thanks for looking after me for all these years

Dad : I love you baby
dad whips his tears and kissed me then walks back to the car and gets in side

I walk and got my  ticket and found my seat on the plane
I find me seat and i was next to another boy and he seemed pretty formula

Boy : hey you flying alone

Me : your how about you

Boy : yeah , what's your name

Me : Cassidy and you ?

Boy : nice name my name is Jacob

Me : sartorius?

( Boy now with a name Jacob )

Jacob : yeah how did you know 😂

Me : you looked formula

You fall asleep but get woken up but someone tapping you it was Jacob

Jacob : hey Cassidy sorry to wake you but do you want to do a with me

Me : ahhh yer sure I guess haha

I made a which was really awkward but lol he is famous so it was cool

I hear the lady on the speaker saying it
Was time to Get off the plan I got so excited. the plan lands i say goodbye to Jacob and take a quick selfie on snapchat because why not.

I got my bag and walk around to find mum. I standing out side looking lost when you hear a voice yell
I turned around and see mum and i run up to here and give her the biggest hug ever. she kisses me on the cheek.

Me : I have miss you so much

Mum : same you are looking beautiful

I then see Taylor and I run so fast and jump into his arms. The hug was so tight.

Taylor : I have missed you beautiful

Me : I missed you too what's been going on in your life
I say as we head to the car

Taylor : oh nothing much only I started a new YouTube channel and got famous on that and and Instagram

Me : omfg that's not nothing

Taylor : well you wouldn't know because you don't have any social media He said laughing. oh and a new boy move to the apartment and he is my best friend

I hate the words best friend because I missed mine

We get in the car and we drive to the apartment and I walk in and got straight to my bed and I feel asleep straight away

Hey guys hope you like my story so far haha more soon 💗👍🏽

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