"So we've decided on the 39 American dates and the 9 European dates, with a little over a month break in between?" I aimed the question towards Marshall for his approval, the first time we'd spoken directly.

"Yup. As long as I have Christmas and New Years break off I'm all good" he nodded to himself.

"Great" I offered him a small smile which he halfheartedly returned, for my eyes only, shielded by his hand on his face. "Kelly can you contact the other acts now for conformation on their involvement and that the dates suit?" I spoke to my crew member and organizer.

"Of course".

I directed myself back towards the rest of the group and quickly skimmed through my paperwork, running over the important bullet points I'd set for myself. "I think that's it for now. Actually, we need a name for the tour still, any thoughts? We can always think on it".

Marshall coughed to clear his throat drawing the attention of the room. "Uh yeah I had an idea. I was think maybe calling it the Anger Management Tour, you know cause all of the music is really angry and shit. I think it mixes the rock and rap aspects together well".

"Anger Management Tour?" Paul asked, mulling it over.


"I love it" I piped up earning a small nod of happiness from Marshall. I knew he didn't want to smile in front of all these people but over the months I'd picked up on some of his 'happiness' cues, nodding being one of them.


"So we need to start promoting and advertising this straight away, not that we will have trouble selling tickets but I want every concert to be sold out" I ordered to everyone. "That's it thanks guys, we'll meet again on Friday same time?"

"Great, thanks Cassie" Paul excused him self quickly as he received a phone call.

"Cassie I'll get back to you in a couple days about those press releases" Tracy informed me.

"Thanks Tracy". My other employers left the board room, leaving only me and Marshall. Immediately he stood up and began to leave the room without so much as a look to me. "Marshall wait. Can we talk?"

He paused, his hand on the door handle, not bothering to turn around. He sighed, leaving me waiting in silence for a few moments "I have stuff I gotta do Cass".

I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, laying my head against his back. Luckily the board room's blind were down so we didn't need to worry about being cautious with our affection. "Just for a minute".

"Fine" he lightly pried my arms off him to look me in my eyes.

"I'm sorry for being weird this morning, I know I overacted" I began.

"I don't understand what you want".

"What do you mean?" I frowned, mainly because I knew he was about to go deeper than our disagreement just this morning.

"You want affection, but as soon as I show you some you freak out. It's always on your terms" he said in a frustrated tone whilst he readjusted his cap.

"I don't mean to" I fidgeted, feeling like I had just been forced into a spotlight. His eyes staring me down.

"Maybe not, but you're really good at pushing me away".

"I'm sorry, I can't help it".

"How many relationships have you been in? You never talk about it" he squinted his eyes at me as he tried to squeeze information from me.

"Why would I? I'm not with them anymore for a reason".

"How am I meant to understand you if I don't know anything about you? As soon as you start talking about yourself you change the subject" he shook his head and turned his body slightly away from me, like he was ready to leave at any second if he didn't get the answers he was looking for.

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