Isabelle was still fuming at the argument that was taking place, and Athena grabbed tightly onto her vacant hand. Jace continued to argue with Alec.

"Yes, you did. You lost her."

Isabelle stormed forward, once more. "Enough! Both of you," she interrupted. Jace gave a slight shake of his head as Alec walked away from him to let his anger simmer down.

Athena sighed as awkwardness filled the small confines of the alley after the heated argument that had just taken place. She scampered towards the concrete steps that led up to a door, placing herself down and burying her aching head into her hands.


AFTER they had regrouped from Alec and Jace's fight, the group began to talk over the situation at hand. Isabelle and Jace leaned against the frigid railings that led up the stairs, and Alec ran his knuckles against the graffitied metal of a nearby truck. Athena still sat upon the grimy steps as she continued to attempt to get ahold of anyone who could help.

"Whoever took Clary and Simon must be holding them over a body of water. That's why our tracking rune won't work," Jace strategized.

Athena sighed, thinking of anything she could possibly do to help their kidnapped friend. "I could try to track her, but I'm not sure it would work," Athena offered. Jace began to grab the singed object that he had taken from Clary's room, before the shrill sound of Clary's phone ringing pierced the air.

Isabelle tossed her head around to where the object was located, charcoal hair flying about her shoulders. "Clary left the phone in her backpack," Izzy explained. Jace ran forward, rifling through the contents of Clary's bag until he found her cellphone in its confines.

Athena leaned forward, her interest piqued at the sound of a possible lead. The phone let out a beep as Jace pressed the button to answer. "Hello?" he said.

Shuddering breaths broke through the speakers of the phone as Simon's voice rang out. "Oh, I thought I'd never utter these words, but thank God it's you. It's me, Simon."

"Where are you? Where's Clary?" Jace demanded.

Sinon continued to pant through the speakers of the phone, as if he was astonished that anyone had answered, and that he had gotten into a predicament. "I don't know. Some Chinese restaurant, I think? This cop, Alaric, arrested us, but it was a total fake-out. Him and his buddy, they took us...," Simon stammered, "they took us to their hangout and then they told Clary that they'll kill her if they don't find the Cup."

Athena breathed a sigh of relief, the idea that maybe Simon could get Clary back filling her with utter joy.

"Just calm down, alright? Tell us what you see," Jace answered.

The sound of hands banging against glass filled the air as Simon began to describe his surroundings. "Okay. Uh, we're definitely on a pier. There's a ton of water, uh... I see lockers and...," Simon explained.

"Oh, my..." he said under his breath.

"I'm in some sort of torture chamber. There's claw marks all over the wall."

Athena gasped as that meant that they were in the presence of werewolves. Izzy soon voiced the thought aloud, worry flooding her coffee-colored eyes.

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