“I’m really sorry I forgot to call, Emerald! I got really caught up and stuff . . .”

She swore in Spanish, calling me quite a few not so nice words.

“Like hell you did!” she growled.

“Emerald, come on . . . how can I make it up to you?” I pleaded.

“Well . . . since you asked and since your my best friend. . . I supposed I could forgive you if you bought me that cute Gucci bag I was looking at that one time . . .” she said nonchalantly. I was positive she was admiring her nails.


This time she squealed happily.

“I love you so much! You have no idea how much I have wanted that bag!”

“I think I do,”  I laughed. She huffed.

“Well, anyways, how’s the Big Yak?”

“It’s buffalo, Em, buffalo . . .”

“Whatever, same thing, gigantic and hairy,” she made a shuddery sort of noise, “How is it anyway?”

Emerald was one of the few other people knowing about my situation. Her being my best friend and all.

“Well, where I am in buffalo, the only word I have for it is . . . testosteroney.”  

“Ew. Boys are nasty. Especially when there is nothing but them.”

“Trust me, I know,” I sighed, rolling my eyes.

“See any cute ones yet, though?” she asked.

“Yes, five actually.”

She immediately perked up even more.

Really?! Omg, who are they? What do they look like? How did you meet them?!” she questioned.

“Calm down, Em. But, well, in one word. Hot. They are all very, very hot. Especially one . . . But anyways, they are all really  attractive and pretty nice for the most part.”

“Come get me NOW. Lex, I need some hot man booty right this instant! This school has none whatsoever!” she complained.

“I laughed. Well, if you want to dress up as boy and attempt to get in, be my guest.” I almost heard he excitement deflate.

“Ugh, ew. Never gonna happen. Sorry, girl, but I like showing off my curves.”

I sighed,

“Trust me, so did I.”

She snorted.

“Yeah, right, so says the most boy oblivious girl in the school. You have practically ever boy in the school chasing you and you don’t even notice. They were devastated when the found out you had to leave.”

I laughed and rolled my eyes.

“Sure, whatever Em.”

She laughed,

“Is the apartment good?”

“Yeah, it’s pretty bomb, but it’s also pretty lonely. I seriously Spokey, Em,” I said sadly.

“Yeah, well, Spokey misses you too Lex,” she said back, equally as sad. We just hung there in silence for a couple minutes.

“Hey, I should probably get going, okay? I talk to you after school is over, cool?”

“Cool,” she said, her mood obviously brighter now.

“One four three, girl.”

“One four three! Bye!”

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