Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Margaux moved out of her apartment but rented it to another tenant in order to bring her a steady income. The profit she would make would be enough for her to live on up country. For a few days after Gary gave up his Monrovia apartment, they were both able to take beds at the Peace Corps Hostel.

Two things had happened. Gary  and Margaux were able to get a marriage license, and he was able to get reassigned to Bolahun at Holy Cross Mission. He would replace Jenna, who had returned to the United States.

Margaux sold her Mercedes for a good price, and she deposited her proceeds into a Swiss bank along with some other money she had made over the years.

Rather than get married down in Monrovia, Margaux wanted to wait until she and Gary could travel to Bolahun. Gary managed to get the Peace Corps to pack up both his and her belongings to be shipped upcountry. So they were down to one canvas duffle bag each for travel. Early the next morning they would take a taxi downtown Monrovia to Waterside.

But that night they dined at Diana's restaurant.

"My prince," Margaux said as she placed her hand on his arm. "You are a dream come true. Little did I know you'd be mine. But here you are. All mine."

"If I'm our prince, then you're my Cinderella. You climbed out of the ashes where someone like me could know the clean, beautiful person you are within and without."

"Marge, what did Father Anthony say when you said you on the mission radio that you wanted to come to Bolahun?"

"He said that he would make a place for me to work alongside Lisa."

Gary lit up. "Lisa is leaving for the United States. Is she coming back to David?"

"Gary, she has plans to marry David after she returns from telling her fiancé to take a hike. Father Anthony has already planned to keep him busy when Lisa is gone. When he returns from busy work for the mission, she will be waiting. At Bolahun Market on a Saturday, Father Anthony will perform the ceremony."

"Margaux, then you and I can do our part too." He took her hands. "He is going to go bonkers there with us making love across the street in Lisa's house."

"Lisa is staying over with David each night, and Felicia is staying in the convent with the Sisters of Saint Helena. She will be closer to the elementary school where she teaches. Plus she wants to be a Catholic Nun. So living with the sisters will get her used to the Religious Life."

"So we will move into the bedroom we occupied when we stayed earlier?"

"Doesn't that excite you, Gary?"

"When I got you with me, that is excitement enough," he said leaning over to kiss her cheek.

"Go for another swim tonight on the beach?"

"You still have that naughty bikini?" Gary was aroused already. "What about getting them dry enough for tomorrow?"

"Yes, I got it." Margaux kissed Gary's ear and whispered, "Manfred has a new clothes dryer.  Besides, I am not going to have my swimsuit on very long." She licked his ear with her lustful tongue.

So on the secure, lonely beach, they lay together with the roar of the incoming waves crashing against nearby rocks and caressing them. The din of the ocean kept anyone from hearing Margaux's cries of ecstasy as they melded into one flesh. They lay still in sweet sleep for hours as the tide subsided. At length they dressed and returned to the Peace Corps Hostel.

Waterside in Monrovia is the place to go to get a ride. Margaux was as gifted at negotiating transportation as she was driving. Row after row of Renault Buses lined up with back ends to the curb. At one end the taxis parked one after another.

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