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Damn Doran for forcing this upon me, he thought savagely, drawing a deep breath as he continued to lounge in his chair with a half empty glass of wine dangling haphazardly from his fingers, gaze fixed on a non-existent spot on the far wall.

He kept thinking about Eliana, about their marriage, about how the brewing war could easily tear their world apart. She had already lost her father and eldest brother and, he knew that Cersei wanted to take her head as well. If Cersei ever called for the rest of her family, it would break his wife in two. She was strong, far stronger than most, but beneath that strength of hers was the tenderness of a warm heart. He knew she would never survive the decimation of her family.

But he also knew that there was little to be done if she ever called for his death or her mother's head.

Drawing a deep breath after having downed the rest of his wine before standing, his mind conjuring images of potential futures where Eliana lost what little was left of her family. None of them posed a good outcome for them. In all of them she broke, becoming less and less of the woman she was until all that was left was the empty shell; a creature having been frozen like the Northern ice and filled with such a hatred and bitterness that made her more venomous than any serpent he'd ever encountered.

He didn't want that.

However there would be little to do should the Queen Regent decide the current Lady of Winterfell and himself were a threat. That thought, the knowing that if that came to pass would destroy her future, had him hurling the glass across the room. He watched as it hit the far wall, shattering, the pieces falling, and it seemed fitting, for that was exactly what would happen to Eliana's life if Catelyn and he were to die.

He had seen her - how could he not? She was a fierce, astonishing thing, with Tully eyes and pale skin, so very different from Oberyn's own olive tone. It was not difficult to miss her, not just because of how lovely she was, but also because of the way Thomos Bracken followed her about like a forlorn puppy. If he didn't feel such distaste for Riverlands Lord, Oberyn would almost pity him for his evident adoration of the woman. He looked at Eliana so longingly, the smiles she gave him in return never quite reached her eyes, always seemed to be for another's benefit.

Oberyn had noticed her, because she was pretty and because Bracken followed her about, but he honestly hadn't given her much thought. She was a Northerner; and all northern ladies held a weakness that could never quite hold Oberyn's attention. They were taught to be meek and docile, traits Oberyn couldn't care less about if he were strictly honest with himself.

He wondered who she imagined the air her blade was slicing through to be. She held her sword tightly, striking with fierce precision that for a moment, Oberyn allowed himself to admire her womanly figure as she stood in breeches and a tunic that no noble lady would be seen dead in; he allowed himself to her as a man was meant to admire a woman.

Her form was strong, and difficult to find any flaw. Someone had obviously taught her the correct way to hold a sword, as well as how to parry and to block, and when she spun and delivered that spectacular move of hers - he swore his heart jumped in his chest. Gods it was glorious, wonderful - no, she was wonderful. She was a delight to witness, a delight from the North he had underestimated entirely. Her legs were at the perfect distance, her back relaxed enough to deliver the blows. There was a raw talent there, and he was desperate to bathe in it.

He watched as she gave a spin, a feint, and then hit the air with a powerful, two-handed swipe. When she next whirled around, he was there, catching her arms so that her back was to his chest in order to still her movements.

"What in the-" Immediately he felt her grow tense at his sudden gesture, though she didn't move to pull away from him.She's smart,Oberyn smiled to himself before he used his foot to kick her legs further part.

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