Caterwauling reached her ears while she barely managed to hold herself upright as she stumbled down the deserted corridors, screams of agony ringing endlessly as she turned another corner to see the hideous, obsolete ungainly doors. However, there stood no guards to greet her and haul open the doors, she didn't know if she herself would manage such a task.

All she could do was try.

Her hands gripped the chilled iron ring, her fingers clenching around it and she sucked in another deep breath before yanking it towards her so she was able to peer inside the room that was lit by the dim glow of the lantern baskets swinging in the faint breeze.

His crimson silk cloak sat flowing across his legs, the colour of fire. He wore a hauberk armoured with overlapping discs of bright coppers, his greaves and bracers were light armoured as were the rest of his armour. Upon his head sat his helm, adorned with a copper sun and his steel round shield decorated with sigil of House Martell laid at his feet while he still clasped his eight foot tall spear with a steel spearhead spike.

He looked like a ruler. Like a King.

Lifting his arms to remove his helm, his dark eyes stilled upon her face as he allowed his lustrous black hair free with the few silver streaks that silvered through, soon feeling his eyes stinging as he continued to stare at her, he gaze lingering upon the scars lacing her face. In realisation, he began to shake with anger, clenching his fists as he rose from the throne

His timing couldn't be anymore perfect as Tywin entered the room, smirking exultantly as he watched the Viper trail down the steps, his eyes trained on the woman before him. "Prince Oberyn..." He called the Viper's attention to him, "Your arrival is most unexpected."

Then the cavalry arrived; Joffrey and Cersei marching through the doors with the small council traipsing behind them just as Jaime and Catelyn, Tyrion and Pod also entered to see Oberyn Martell staring down Tywin Lannister in the centre of the Great Hall.

"I came with haste as it appears you have taken someone from me." He noted, his voice sharp and his jaw clenched, reaching the last few steps.

Jaime froze in his place when his eyes landed upon the Viper stood before him, his heart pranged to see his lady staring at the Viper, her back to him and everyone else apart from the man with the barbed tongue. "What is he doing here?" He muttered, dismissing the look Catelyn gave him as he continued to watch apprehensively.

Gradually, Oberyn neared Eliana, his eyes once again falling upon her to witness Lannister guards encase around her, blocking her from his rightful access. His blood boiled at the sight of his beloved being taken from him and in the clutches of the Lannisters, just like Elia! "Do not deny me of her!" He hissed, his eyes narrowing and gliding to Tywin and then Joffrey.

Tywin thought for a moment; either he'd let Oberyn have what he wanted and prevent a revolt he sourly didn't need or neither want, or, he denied him of Eliana and start a war that would only end in pain and more losses than he would be able to count. Where was his win-win scenario? ... He didn't have one, because either way Tywin would be losing out to a Dornishman and his wrath. "Ever the Viper," He mused thoughtfully, pondering his options still, clasping his hands together and the guards danced away.

Joffrey made a noise, "No!" He declared, pushing past his grandfather, tired of watching his family lose once again - it isn't fair! "... I'll have all your heads on spikes!"

"Not today."

His eyes flew to Tywin, narrowing and flashing dangerously as he regarded his grandfather. Not knowing what else to do, Joffrey glanced over at his mother who looked gormless... they didn't care of the loss of Eliana to the Viper, but Joffrey wanted her head, just like he'd claimed her father's and brother's.

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