part 2

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Aki had taken the cure. Of course unlike the millions of other people, he left to hide in the Taiga biomes in northern Canada. It was a cold and lonely existence. The food shortage in the winter was the worst. But Aki enjoyed the challenge. He had befriended the wolves. They had taught him much over the years. At first he could hardly keep up with them, but now he outran the best of them. Sometimes they even brought him news. Aki lost track of time. He had become an efficient survivor.

Sometimes he stumbled upon civilization. The people at first were normal everyday people, some running from some thing others or trying to build life. But doing that here was not easy. Sometimes they lived, other times they perished. But he knew one thing for sure. The cure had been banned .

The city had been built at the edge of the forest. It was new and shiny, the city had been built in a number of days, erecting giant skyscrapers quickly and efficiently. He knew then that he had been gone from civilization for perhaps hundreds of years.

They came from him. They probably thought of him as some escaped convict. The annoying thing was that they seem to know exactly what area he was in. He was on the branch of a tree over looking the clearing. They were gathered below him. They wore strange clothes, it was black and tight fitting. The helmets they wore were shaped like American football helmets. The each a floating ball next to their heads.

They seemed to be setting up camp, he had made them chase him fro several days. Everything he did they reacted to faster than he thought. It shouldn’t be possible. There was no way they could find him, but they were getting close. They would catch him eventually if he didn’t do something.

The group chasing him split up. Each one going in a different direction, there was twenty seven of them. He chose at random.

He let out a howl. The wolves called back to him. He asked them for help. He followed his target for a couple of hours. He kept to the trees. The target seemed to be going in circles. Never getting far from one of its comrades. After a while Aki felt he needed to move before they continued this farce. The leader of the pack, Eaton was a giant of a wolves, his grey fur covered with scars. He told Eaton and the pack to circle the target. Aki stepped out in front of the target.

The target lifted his weapon and aimed at Aki, but he was a fractional too slow. Aki had thrown the axe it firmly embedded in the arm of the target. Aki sprang forward took the weapon and smashed it in the helmet of the target. It fell quickly.

Aki picked up the target and ran alongside the pack. He took the now unconscious person and took them to one of his underground hideouts. The place was comfortable. Or at least as comfortable as he could make it. He put the person down on the floor and removed the persons helmet. It was a woman. She was bald but it was woman. He continued to strip her. he couldn’t trust her clothes so he burned them. He needed information. He wrapped her in deer skin and chained her to the bed.

Aki went out to the wolves. He told them what he planned to do. Talking to wolves was harder than it seemed, he didn’t know how long it had taken him to learn their language. But the wolves came to him when injured or sick. It was a sort of alliance. They respected him and brought him food and news, in exchange he provided warmth and protection for their young. Because of him the wolves prospered.

Their language was all about how you moved your body, the direction in which you faced, the way you talked.

They left him to himself. He went to hunting. When he returned the woman was awake. She had a good face, smooth white skin. But her eyes, they were strange. They were a mix of electric blue and midnight black. She stared at him. Not opening her mouth. He ignored her and started to cook the meat Once he was finished, he gave her a piece in the makeshift bowl and began eating.

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