Chapter 1 - Half-baked dream

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Hi everyone! Well this is the start of my journey as a wattpad writer. I am actually anxious to upload my story but I guess it's worth a shot. I just hope somebody will at least read it and appreciate it, if that's not too much to ask. Whoever will read this thank you so much and I hope you'll enjoy it. And by the way this chappie is unedited so please bear with the mistakes. I'll appreciate it so much if you would vote and comment. Thanks again.


Matt's POV

This is it. I can't believe it's really happening.

This rare chance to be with the girl of my dreams fitted in my arms, locked in a warm embrace. My head rests on top of hers which in return snuggles on my chest. I slightly pull back to look at her beautiful face.

"Ashley," I softly utter her name and she gazes at me with ardent emotion visible in those deep brown eyes.

Suddenly it felt like magic, time stopped, everything froze, nothing could be heard but the beating of our hearts seeming to confess feelings for one another our lips are unable to express. As if all the stars in heaven converged together to make this night a monumental event of my life, and if I can, I swear I'll do anything to make this fate ours forever. At this point I'm ready to pour my heart unto her.

I gently traced my fingers along the delicate skin of her face when she seized it with her hand, briefly she closes her eyes to press her cheek against my palm, and then our eyes meet again. My left arm remained tightly holding her waist, as she now entwined her hands at the back of my neck. This feeling with her body held fully against mine caused the butterflies in my stomach to flutter.

 I tilted her chin, slowly I started leaning forward aiming at her soft, inviting lips. As I drew closer she closed her eyes while mine still lingers on her face trying to commit every detail of her exquisite beauty into my memory. 

Inches away, I finally closed my eyes prepared to savor the feel of her tender lips pressed into mine. A second to pass and I would be the luckiest . . .

A sudden rocking motion caused me to open my eyes, disoriented with my surrounding I slowly saw the blurry image of my mom looming over me with a forceful shake on my shoulder to wake me up.

"Matty, get up already it's 7:00 o' clock. Hit the bathroom and get down for breakfast."

"Ugh. . . Mom!" I groaned. A hint of disappointment is evident on my tone as I sit upright and recover my thick rimmed glasses on the night stand.

"Good morning to you too. Honey, you don't want to be late on the first day of your junior year. Aren't you excited?" she said with a giggle. On that note, she kissed my forehead and gave me one of her I'm-too-sweet-for-you-to-get-mad-at-me smile before heading to the doorway. Not that I would, but she always used that as a weapon against me to trample any hint of protest that I might throw at her, just in case. As always, she gets her way with me. Who wouldn't melt with the cheerful and easy-going disposition that she has, making her such a sweetheart to everybody. 

"Don't be long," she exclaimed and walked out of my room.

I really do love my mom for being who she is, though she can be a major spoiler sometimes. My line of thought was then redirected to my dream again and how it was corrupted just when my lips are about to touch Ashley's. Man, that was so close. I've gotta give credit to my mom for her impeccable timing, to my displeasure. That thought earned a shake of my head and a smirk on my lips.

But the amusement I was feeling with my half baked dream didn't last long as I recalled my mom's words. Today is the first day of my junior year in high school and I couldn't be more annoyed knowing that I would be encountering the worst bunch of kids in California, I'm exaggerating of course.

Then again I have no choice, therefore I dragged myself to the bathroom to prepare for the day's battle.

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