30| Types of Messages

Start from the beginning

It's just really cute when you do, and I get to rant about it😋

(It's not really a rant though tbf)

3. The Bush-Beater Ones

These are the people who looool are annoying af coz they are obviously trying to insinuate something but won't outright say it and then when you ask about it they're like: "WHAAATTT! NOOO I WASNT EVEN SUGGESTING THAT BUT I MEAN..."

Like you find these type of people in real life as well and I can't stand that shit. Like,

Them: hey, so basically I've walked around and everyone else seems super busy and I really want to go to the cinema but I've never gone to the cinema alone.

Me: okay...so...

Them: yea, I usually go with Dean but Dean is kind of gone right now but I still really want to watch this movie. I've never gone alone though...


Them: Huh? Oh, sure. Whatever, I don't mind.

Yes, I get this shit on Wattpad ALL THE DAMM TIME.

"So um, I usually like comment a lot on people's books and they give dedications and stuff and I think it's super nice when writers give dedications, you know? By the way, on a totally unrelated note, I've just commented on each chapter of your book about four times! Lol!"

Oh fuck off.

4. The Auto-Correct-Seems-To-Fucking-Hate-You Ones

This is all of us to be fair. We are all victims of autocorrect's abuse

Some days I open my messages to see like a billion notifications only to find that it's only one person:


Hello ther


Autocorrect is so

Annoying oops sorry I keep pressing the en

*the enter button

My bad. So how are yo

And I'm just like breathe, breathe. Recollect yourself.

But I mean sometimes it's not even autocorrect that's the problem, they just like to type out messages like that. One sentence each.

Because each sentence deserves its own white box, kay.

5. The Pregnant Ones



Ahahaha so these Wattpad conversations be like:

April 19, 2014
Hi! How are you?!

April 20, 2014
Heyo! Good and you? Thanks for reading my book btw!

Why Wattpad Drives Me Crazy - Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now