What is this feeling? - Elphaba POV

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['What is this Feeling' told from Elphaba's POV]

I can't BELIEVE I've been put in a room with that.... that.... that.... irritating blonde pompom! I can't even start to say how much I hate it. Her shoes are always thrown all over the floor, her perfumes are constantly intoxicating the air and making me choke and her HATS. Don't even get me started on her hats. How many hats does a girl need? Maybe one for Sunday Best and another for the rain? Ha. Well, let me tell you this: that pompous party cannon has one for EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR "with a few extras that my dear mumsie and popsicle have bought me for the most importantifying day of the year - my birthday!" Whenever she talks, all I can think about is a balloon deflating. That is how high pitched and annoying her voice is. And I can't stand balloons.

Is it possible to hate someone on first sight? I can hear my sister's words echoing inside my head - "Elphie, you need to get to know people first! Hate is a very strong word! Try not to use it for that darling girl Galinda, Elphie dear." I respect her words, of course, I always have, so maybe I won't use hate..... I know! I LOATHE her.

I guess if Love at First sight is possible, Loathe at First sight is also possible! No wait. Scrap that. Loathe at First smell. You can smell that girl from a mile away. And you can still smell her traces 3 weeks after she's been in a room. Different hues of petunias and roses and pansies and honeysuckle...... If I wanted to live in a flowerpot, I would have done it myself.  

Oh look. There she is. Flouncing in and out of the entourage she always has at her back. Where does this girl think she is? The Ozcars?! Great Oz, she's coming this way..... I'd better run before I catch "Pink"-itis.  

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