Chapter 9: Suzuno Fuusuke X Ishijima Emiko (OC) {'I Miss You'}

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"As if. I'd rather ask an old lady out than you." He scoffed. 

"Alright, alright. Sheesh, you're burning again." Emiko chuckled lightly. Nagumo sighed and continued talking.

"Well, anyways, we've been invited to a party tonight." He informed her as he pulled out his phone containing the invitation. Emiko nonchalantly looked at the invitation, looking for the sender. However, she can only see the place and time of the party.

"Wait a sec... That place. It's in front of our—" She was cut off by Nagumo sighing.

"Yeah, it is. Brings back some memories, eh?" He stared at nothing in particular, seemed to be thinking about something deep. "Anyways, will you come with me?" He added.

"Uh, yeah sure. I'll be there." She nonchalantly replied.

After a few hours, Emiko got ready for the so-called party. She found herself walking in a familiar road. Her footsteps became vague, walking slowly as memories played like a movie inside her head. She reached the place, filled with chatters and laughters of strangers. Her eyes wandered on the opposite building. A worn out yet standing building— Sun Garden Orphanage. More and more memories flown inside her head; memories of her childhood, of the orphanage, and most importantly, her memories of Suzuno. She shrugged the thought and entered the small resto. And there she saw the whole gang: Nagumo, Reina, Hiroto, and more. Emiko was greeted by shock faces and cheery smiles.

"Oh my god, Emiko?! Is that you?!" Reina exclaimed. Nagumo huffed and placed his arm around her shoulders.

"Indeed! This is our one and only Ishijima Emiko." He introduced her proudly.

"Wait, are you guys dating?" Hiroto smiled after taking a sip on his drink.

"Ye—" Nagumo got cut off when Emiko shoved his hand away.

"Hell no." She nonchalantly denied, as she put her hands inside her pockets, sighing. Nagumo clicked his tongue in annoyance as they both took a seat side by side.

Emiko's eyes wandered around the room. All her friends in the orphanage were there. Except for one; a very special one, to her, at least. She shrugged the thought off, knowing that it is impossible to meet him again in a place like this. It's too good to be true.

"Emiko, you've gotten cold lately! What's up? You used to be bubbly when we're still young." Reina asked in worry.

"Nothing really. I guess I just got accustomed with it." She replied nonchalantly as she took a sip from her drink.

"Maybe she misses her teddy bear~" Nagumo snickered mockingly. They all laughed loudly as she punched Nagumo's arm, having an irk mark on her head. And yet, Nagumo kept on laughing.

"Oh your teddy bear~ You were really inseparable before~" Hiroto continually teased her.

"Shut up, you guys. Not funny." Emiko demanded as she crossed her arms in annoyance. They all tried hard to keep themselves from laughing until Reina got out of it.

"Oh by the way, he was the one who sent the invitations. So apparently, this is his plan. But he's still not here though." Reina stated, making her shocked and confused.

"What...? HE sent the invitation..? No, it's impossible!"  She denied inside her head.

"Eh well, overtime, maybe? I hear he's successful in his profession." A boy commented, making her clutch her drink.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: May 09, 2018 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

Chapters Of Our Love - Inazuma Eleven All X Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें