Chapter 1

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Im running through trees and bushes trying to get away from the black hounds that  chasing me however with every twist and turn another follows me, I could feel my heart pumping through my chest, I started to panic what would happen if they got me I thought, I started spitting my blue fringe out of my mouth. Then suddenly I spotted a bright light and ran towards it, hoping it was a good sign, But it had led me to a cliff, I was completely confused I couldn't smell any sea air, although I could hear the sound of the hounds behind me their snarling got louder, I was panicking now I stood at the end of a high cliff with the 'hell' hounds behind me they sounded like they were out for blood. Then all of a sudden I made a couragess decision, I jumped off the cliff, my hair was flying about wildly as I fell towards the sharp rocks that looked like teeth, but I smiled snapped my wings open, I suddenly started to soar on upwards, with my wind flowing through my hair, I absolutely loved this feeling, you know that feeling where you haven't got a worry in the world and you feel like you can fly high above the clouds. Well I felt like that right now but I was actually flying, I flew higher above the clouds, Then suddenly I heard a load BANG behind me and it happened again, and I stopped flying and fell towards the rocks, I closed my eyes.

In a heated mess I awoke to loud banging on my grandpa's game shop door and a well known voice that called out,
"Come on Shielle, We're gonna be late for school," As I grabbed my Black phone and texted the voice that called for me. As I texted the voice I grabbed my Medallion and Shio appeared on my bed and asked me
"Shielle are you alright, you seemed shocked when you awoke."
"I'm quite alright, Shio it's alright"

Shio is a old egyptian spirit that lived inside my Medallion, She and I were unsepralbe when I first got my Medallion and she's always there for me, she gives me strength and courage when I need it most, she also unlocked so dark powers inside me that I cannot control, but I hope one day I will.

Shio-"you tell me if anythings wrong, are you sure you quite alright?" She asked worriedly
Shielle-"I know Shio, and yes I'm quite alright, don't worry, I'll be ready in a minute hold on"

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