The man raised his eyebrows. "I'm just pulling your leg, Song. The King is still on his throne, very much alive. But I am his Mage and Aide so if you wanted to, I could arrange for it."

"Oh - err, I don't know," Song said, blushing furiously. 

"Shy? or modest? Either way - it doesn't matter. You'll perform for him soon enough. Anyway - have you met anyone yet?"

"No, I just arrived, sir - uh," Song racked his brain for the man's name. How embarrassing, he thought, that on my first day in the City I've been acting like a small town hick. He felt like he was letting down his town, his parents, his good name by acting so stupid and ignorant in front of the King's own Second! Something finally clicked. "Prince Bass."

"Here, let me show you around," the prince said, smiling at him and taking him by the arm. They walked back into the crowd of nobles, who parted ways for them, most with a fawning smile and bow, some with vague frowns or looks of suspicion.

Prince Bass murmured their names and positions to Song under his breath.

The sharp voiced woman Song had almost knocked into turned out to be Princess Alto, lady in waiting to the Queen, who stared at both Prince Bass and Song with distaste.

"She hates me," Bass whispered. "She thinks I'm a good for nothing wastrel. Mostly because I refused to have anything to do with her when she came hankering after me for marriage."

Song didn't know how to reply to that, so he just nodded. He looked around and hoped for someone to appear that was even remotely closer to his age. There were only a few scattered children in the room, most of them with their parents. Song wondered why and when he had drifted so far away from his. He supposed it was the lantern. None of the other children even seemed to spare it a second glance. 

Soon enough, servants came to usher them to their seats. Prince Bass had a quiet word with the chief butler, and to Song's amazement, he was led to sit at the high table. The prince winked at him as he took his seat on Song's left. 

The King leaned to his right and spoke into Prince Bass' ear. They shared a laugh. The King turned to Song.

"So you’re the one," he said simply. "We felt your presence in the song room."

"Sire?" Song said uncertainly. 

"You'll find out soon enough," Prince Bass said with another wink. "Let's just enjoy dinner tonight. Work can come later."

Song wasn't sure whether to be flattered or to be worried with all the attention. He was used to the attention - after all, he was the promised son in Chai - but then again, these were the King and the Prince who ruled the World. It should be he who should flatter them, but he found that he had nothing to say. All the witty things and nice phrases and words that they had schooled him in back home in Chai and bandied about as they pretended to be nobles felt stupid in front of these practical looking rulers. Why would they care about what a mere kid said anyway? 

"ah, everyone is seated," King Music said.

Song turned back to find all the eyes in the room looking at the king, and by default at his direction. From the second table, his mother waved at him. his father smiled, but didn't make any further gesture.

"Today we have the honour and the privilege to have seated at our table the newest candidate for the throne - Prince Song of Chai."

Song looked at him, startled.

"Yes son, that's right. It's not a title to be worn lightly and I do hope you bear it well, but as a Mage with the Talent of Song, I'm sure you will have what it takes," the King turned back to the crowd. "So tonight we shall celebrate with Song and his family. Next week, he will take his first challenge to prove his worth, and if he comes through, his title will be confirmed. On his eighteenth birthday, he will then face the Rights of Kingship. If you pass the test, son, you will be next in line to the throne. If you do not, well, the search will go on for my successor."

The King's face turned serious. "We have been looking for a new king for the past ten years. Fifteen strong young mages have faced the test and failed. Some of them are among us now. Some of them have been lost to us forever. It is a difficult path to walk, Song of Chai. You have ten years to prepare for it, and after those ten years, many more years to grow into your role. Do you accept this path?"

He looked at the eight-year-old expectantly.

The words stuck in Song’s throat. It felt as if a storm of fear and panic was welling up in his head.

“It is a long journey for you, Prince Song. But the rewards are great,” the King said as kindly as he could. “We need you to commit to it. I am growing old. By the time you come of age, I will be nearing seventy. I don’t expect to die then, but it would be good to know that I will finally have an heir.”

“It is a pity,” Prince Bass said softly, “that the Queen cannot bear children. You will be the King’s adopted child.”

“I do,” the words stumbled out of Song’s mouth. And then he closed his eyes and let the words flow.

"For the sake of the World

For the sake of my life

For the sake of all we hold dear"

The hall hushed as he sang. 

"Here my future unfolds

Here I will strive

Here I leave behind my fears"

“A Song Meister and a prophet,” the King declared as the dining hall burst out in cheers and applause. “I do hope you are the one.”


Song now smiled wanly as he took his seat. Why were these memories plaguing him now? He had all but forgotten that song – the first song he had sang in the city, the first song he had sang so spontaneously within these walls. 

Why now? The words kept plaguing him.

“How are you feeling, Song?” the King asked as he watched the young man play with his breakfast. “Are you alright?”

“I – I’m fine, Sire. Just feeling a little…” he paused, wondering how much he should tell the King. Was it possible to postpone the test until he felt better? Or would he miss his chance altogether? “Tired.” He ended the sentence. 

“Didn’t sleep well last night, did you? A touch of the nerves?” the King asked.


“Don’t worry. You’ll do fine. You’ve aced every task and every challenge we’ve pitted at you so far. I don’t doubt you’ll pass through the Rights of Kingship just as easily. After all, the song is in your blood and your heart.”

Song smiled as confidently as he could. 

The Song of the World (nanowrimo13)Where stories live. Discover now