I hate you so much

Start from the beginning

"Was it Nagisa?" He nodded and Irina gave him a sign so he could sit next to her and he did. "That kid is justice here, you know I think Nagisa should be named Karma it suits him more.

"It doesn't!" He shouted amd them sighed. "Can you help me take this off?"

"I will but you have to promises that you won't strike back at Nagisa." Irina said

Karma thought about it for a second. "Okay no more pranks to Nagisa." He said.

Irina  raised her eyebrow. "You swear?" Karma nodded. "Pinki swear?" Irina raised her little finger and Karma did the same they sweared, but Karma had one of his hands in the back and crossed his fingers.


Nagisa finished his homework, he shoved his books to his backpack.

He then saw a picture on his desk he took it and it was his father and him. Nagisa was anout 5 fice years old and he was sitting on the shoulders of his father.
That was before his mother go crazy and killed his father.

He gave the picture a sad smile and walked outside the balcony, where he was still looking at the picture.

"I miss you dad." He said and suddenly he felt all wet.
That was because a huge amount of water was poured into him he looked up just to see Karma. But this wasn't normal water it was red. Karma ran to Nagisa's room so he could laugh at him.

But instead he saw Nagisa in the floor with his head looking at something.

The picture of his dad had a red stain on it.

Karma ignore that fact and took it as one more victory.

"Look who just-" He was about to laugh at him, when Nagisa interrupeted him.

"You know I thought that maybe I could change you." He said in a low tone. "But I was wrong."

Nagisa looked at Karma, and his eyes widen, Nagisa was crying his eyes were full of tears and he was still holding the picture.

"You will always be selfish, spoiled, cold, and evil!" He stood up and start yelling at Karma. "You ruined everything, your parents are disappointed of you! No one really loves you because you are something that is uncapable of loving! Womem might be after you but that doesn't mean that someone will EVER love you!" He tried recorivng his breath so he could keep going.

Karma couldn't say a word, eveything that Nagisa was saying is true, besides something inside him didn't like looking at Nagisa crying he felt that ot was wrong and he wanted to hug him so he would stop crying but Nagisa wouldn't like the idea.

"You will die alone, Akabane! And I will be there the day you tell me that you finally changed but it will be to late because all the people you loved deep inside in that hard heart you have." He walked to Karma and placed a finger on hi chest and pushed him."You have your mother your father and they both love, you even if you don't love them back and I didn't Karma I spend part of life wondering why my dad left me with my abusive mother, and it was because she killed him! I never heard my mom saying 'I love you' I never did and when I talked you about this you told me to fuck off! You really are a cold person but I know deep down you have emotions and your Karma will come and you will regret being alive." He then walked away leaving the picture on his desk."And till that day come I will hate you with all I've got!"

He wanted some time alone so he walked out of the house.
"Nagisa wha-" Irina looked that he was crying and she knew that Karma had something to do with it.


Karma walked to Nagisa's desk and looked at the picture is then when he wanted to cry, but he didn't.

"KARMA-" she yelled.

"Mom..." He said in a low tone.


"Mom I've done something terrible to Nagisa." He shoved the picture to the pocket of his jeans.

"Come here and tell me about it."
He told her everything not missing any detail.

Irina pulled her son into a hug. "Look son, what Nagisa said is not going to be true if you change, prove him wrong and show him that you can change."

"I want to apologize to him for what I did." He lowered his head.

"Then what are we waiting for I'll help you plan it." She smiled.

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