I hate this feeling

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I'm starting to hate writing. I'm starting to hate how I write and what I write and what I want to write. Every story I've started feels like a chore to continue and every word that I write feels like another throb to my headaches. Every sound of my fingers touching the keyboard fills me with dread because I never feel like it'll be good enough. Every time I get the motivation to write I open up the document and it disappears again. Every time I think about how I want a story to end I don't know if I'll ever start it because I can never find the cobblestones to make the path. Every time I see a prompt I'm afraid to start it because I'm scared of what my mind will wander to in the process and all focus will be lost. The one burst of motivation may get me through the first chapter but after that I'm practically finished.

I hate this feeling... and I hate how I feel when I hate those feelings. And then I hate how I am and I hate how I do things and the cycle repeats again.

I hate this feeling... and the feelings hate me too

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