People were staring at us, probably from what happened in the hallway yesterday and the fact that I had gotten out of the same car with the one and only Blake Rider.

They were pointing at us whispering when the Queen Bitch came through.

Trisha walked up to Blake, putting her filthy hands on his chest. Normally I would be angry but the look on Blake face as she did that amused me. It was pure disgust.

He ripped her hands off of him. She looked shocked and hurt. “Blake!” She squealed in her high-pitched voice.

She looked the same as she did everyday.

Her top more like for someone who was 6, skirt so short it barely covered her butt and her face caked in makeup.

Honestly I pitied her right now. Looking around I cringed away from all the stares and judgements being passed. Their hate and jealousy, whispers so soft yet they couldn't be unheard. I shuffled slightly backwards wide eyes, before running forward-away from all those people. 

"Isabella!" I heard Blake shout after me but I didn't turn back nor look. I was sorry, but I couldn't stay there, I couldn't handle it. My converse squeaked against the floor, the hallway empty. Suddenly I felt a hand grab my shirt pulling me roughly and my eyes widened as panic welled up in me.  

I opened my mouth ready to scream when I felt a hand clamp down, causing my scream to be muffled. Tears welled up in my eyes as I thrashed, petrified. 

I hated this feeling, the hopelessness and unable to do anything. "Shh," I suddenly heard the attacker whisper in my ear and I slumped, relief running through me. It was Blake's sister and she turned me towards her, concern etched onto her face. 

"You okay?" She asked studying me. I nodded, embarrassment flooding through me knowing she had seen me freak out. "I believe we haven't  been introduced properly. My names Alexis," She smiled holding out a hand for me to shake. 

I hesitantly reached put and put my hand in hers. "Hello." 

She giggled, "Your adorable, well that is expected considering your Blake's mat- friend!" I looked at her in suspicioun at her slip up but I didn't have a clue what she was about to say so I didn't question it. "So what were you doing running?" She questioned. 

I rubbed my hands together uncomfortably, looking away. "I came with Blake to school, in the car." Her eyes widened as she understood where I was going. "And they all stared, the whispers. I couldn't handle it, so I ran." 

She looked at me and if almost seemed as if she knew exactly what I had gone through. Alexis looked away and seemed to be caught in a memory. "It's okay to be afraid," She whispered, her eyes misted over. 

I was curious, what happened to her? But I didn't want to pry, it was none of my business. She shook her head and seemed to snap out of it and she brightly smiled although I could still see that haunting look on her eyes. 

"Come on," She gave me her arm to hold as we heard the bell rang. I smiled uncertainly but hooked my arm in her as we made our way out of the closet and into the hall. Walking towards me class she stopped by the door. "See you during second period!"

I nodded, smiling. Turning I walked towards me desk and was filled with guilt when I saw Blake look up worried. "Are you okay?" He asked immediately. "Yeah I'm okay. I'm sorry for leaving, I just couldn't handle it." I said as I took a seat next to him. 

"It's okay," He whispered understandly giving me a smile that made it seem like everything was perfect. Everything was alright. 


Just as me and Blake left the classroom a shout was heard. "Isabella!" Alexis called bouncing next to me, grabbing me. "Sorry Blake but she's mine for now!' Blake just chuckled, looking at us as Alexis dragged me away. 

Plunking me down onto a seat, I winced in pain was quickly wiped that expression away once Alexis turn towards me. "So... what do you think of Blake?" She asked with a mischevious grin.

I blushed stuttering. "H-he's nice." She laughed, "You know that's not what I'm asking."

I looked away, embarrassed. "I think he's really k-kind." She gave me a dissapointed look and even though I knew she was joking I couldn't help but feel bad and blurted out, "I think he's really nice and hot. He's almost perfect." 

Blood rushed to my cheeks once I finished saying that, I was bright red. 

I couldn’t believe I just said that. I covered my face with my hands, I could hear Alexis laughing her a*s off at my expense. Once she calmed down, she took my hands and said, ‘“Don’t worry, I’m sure you’re not the only one who thinks that.” My blush immediately faded and my eyes narrowed in anger. 

“What!” I snarled. Her eyes widened with surprise, before understanding replaced them. “No, no that was not what I meant!” I was too surprised by my actions, before I scolded myself.

I had no right to act like his jealous girlfriend, when I wasn’t even his girlfriend. I didn’t realise I had spoken out loud until I heard Alexis mutter, “Oh, you soon will be.”

Before I could question her, the teacher started talking, leaving me no room to ask her about it.

The Alpha Saved Me (Editing And Revising!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora