Something Impossible

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Not a light in sight, nothing but darkness. I feel as if the black is enclosing around me. I don't like the dark, it reminds me of too many bad memories of laying in the dark, in pain. I don't even know how the Doctor turned the lights off, we were outside, or at least I think. There were trees, dirt, bushes, we had to have been outside.

"Chloe, don't make a sound." The Doctor whispers, grabbing onto my arm. I feel some comfort, but I'm still scared. Aren't there more angels? Won't they find us, and send is back in time? The Tardis wouldn't even let us leave earlier when we were being attacked by the angels.

Suddenly, I hear movement around me, behind me. "Doctor, do you hear that?" I whisper, grabbing onto his arm with my free one.

"Yes, it's just as I thought," he pauses, "they are coming for us."

"Doctor isn't that bad?!" I shout a little louder than I wanted.

"Very. But good as well." I hear the buzzing of the sonic and the lights turn on again.

"How did you do that?"

"Simple, I blocked the sun and moonlight coming from the ceiling, I put a barrier over it." Having let go of each others arms midway through sentence, I give him a puzzled look. "I had to ensure that the angels were coming, I had to ensure that what is in here is not from this world. You see, a big gap had opened, okay maybe not big, but small, but it got bigger, allowing the angels through it and into the past."

"What? Doctor, you aren't making any sense."

"Exactly, it's not suppose to, because it's a theory, something impossible. That," he points towards an angel, that was approaching, "should not be possible.

Not caring to continue, for the sake of the angel in front of me, I stand still, not blinking. Then the sonic sounds again, and the angel disappears.

"What did you do? Where did it go?" I zip around to face the Doctor, placing his sonic in his jacket pocket.

"Like I said, it's all a theory, but that theory is tearing apart this galaxy. That angel isn't real, none of them are, because the thing it came from, doesn't exist. It never did, and never will, it's only a thought. As long as you don't think about the angels, they won't come."

"English, please." How is it all a thought when they were coming for me?

"Basically, if it's out of mind, it's out of sight." That's better, now he makes sense.

Remembering what I saw earlier, I ask, "Doctor, I think I saw what you are taking about. Only briefly, but the angels were staring at it. Is that thing going to kill us?"

"Not if we stop it first." Putting on his glasses, "Allons-y!"

I smile and we run through the forest. Laughing most of the time, my head starts to hurt, I know we are closing in on it. At least whatever it is. Then ringing starts in my ears, a headache creeps up, as well as my head heating up. I fight through the growing pain as I slow down a bit, but try to stay at the same pace as the Doctor. Unfortunately, I can't, and trip. I fall on my face and lie there in pain. I attempt getting up, but can't seem to, the pain has taken it's toll on me, and I'm weak and powerless.

I try again, and realize that I was very far behind the Doctor. I try screaming, but can't. I stutter out, "Do... Doc... help..." But it's useless, and I know that using the time vortex is useless, it won't do me much good. What could I use it for? To catch up with the Doctor? But that would make the pain worse. Should I wish for the thing away? I don't even know what it is, it doesn't even exist! So I lie in pain, when I hear footsteps coming toward me. I tense, hoping it's not a angel.

"Chloe! Oh my God!" I feel relief to be hearing the Doctor. I feel him grab me, but I can't do anything. The pain had made me immobile, making me feel useless. The Doctor manages to hoist me up into his arms.

"It....hurts...." I say, losing consciousness, leaning my head onto the Doctor.

"Don't speak, it'll only make it worse. I need to get you to the Tardis. He starts walking forward, away from the thing that is impossible. I don't think he knows were the Tardis is, but I just wanted away from this thing that's destroying this galaxy. My head doesn't stop hurting, the ringing doesn't go away. I start to feel sleepy, I close my eyes, but can't sleep. Not only from pain, but something was telling me to not fall asleep.

I clench my eyes shut tight, hoping the pain will go away. It doesn't, it grows. I unclench my eyes, hoping for the pain to go back to what it was before. But it's hopeless, it doesn't.

We walk for a long time, I don't know where we went, but the next thing I know, the Doctor is laying me on my bed.

~~A/N: would have writtenmore, but dammit sleep, why do you control me?

Yea, anyways... Hope you liked it :-)

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