Why? Why, why, why?

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There's one week until the wedding, I'm very nervous, even though Andy and I have rehearsed for it like 10 times. Andy's waiting for me to lay down with him in our bedroom. I'm coming upstairs with the laundry, but I heard someone calling me from the very top of the stairs. I hear my name in little whispers. I got to the top of the stairs. "(Y/n)...(y/n)...I'm coming back, (y/n)." The voice whispered. "Wha...who are you?" I asked. "I'm coming back....I'm coming back...YOU'RE MINE!!!" The voice screamed at me. I jumped back, very startled at the sudden volume change from whisper to scream. I lost my balance and started rolling down the stairs. I lost my grasp on the laundry basket and I could only assume that the clothes went everywhere. When I was half way down, my body slammed against the stair railing and I kept falling. I kept my hands on my head and finally thudded on the hardwood floor all the way at the bottom. I groaned in pain and held my head tightly. "(Y/N)?!?! Oh god! Hold on, I'm coming!" Andy came running down the stairs to my aid. I laid still on my side, everything hurts. "Don't move, baby. I'm here." He picked me up, I winced at the pain of moving, I was carried to our room, and Andy set me on our bed. "Is anything broken? Sprained? Do you feel ok?" Andy asked me in a concerned tone. "I...I don't think anything's broken. That fall just really hit me in every place possible." I closed my eyes, tired and hurting. "Ok...don't move that much, I'll pick up the laundry. I'll be back." He kissed my forehead as gently as possible and left. I heard someone laughing...laughing at my pain. I shook my head for the laughing to stop, but it kept ringing in my ears.

The next morning, Andy had to leave early and, in concern of my well being, he made me  stay home. He left to go look at how the venue was set up. He said he'd take pictures and show me once he got home and if I had any complaints, he'd call and tell the venue people. I went downstairs to make myself some coffee, I really need it. I've been getting a lot of calls from people I've invited and so far, only four people from my list have said they can't come. I guess that's ok. I sat down with my coffee and felt my legs and arms. Nothing really hurt my arms, but some spots hurt on my legs...there are bruises. I have no idea what that voice was...it's probably just from me being so nervous.

Andy came back about three hours later. The meadow is a bit far. "Hello, my gorgeous bride. How are you feeling?" He asked. "I'm ok, just some bruising on my legs." I told him. "Oh ok. How did you fall?" I remembered the voice who called me...I can't tell Andy that...he'll think I'm crazy. "I just lost my balance and fell. My mind was buzzing with a lot of thoughts and I guess I spaced out, lost my balance, and fell." I lied. "Aw...be careful, my sweet. We don't want to postpone our wedding, do we?" He asked. "Oh hell no!" I laughed. "Wanna see the venue pictures?" Andy took out his phone. I nodded and he showed me. Everything is just how I dreamed it would be! The tables, the walls, the dance floor, it all just amazing! "Ah! It's awesome! That's perfect, Andy...do you like it too?" I asked for his opinion of it. "It's absolutely amazing, I couldn't have gotten anything better than that!" He sounds so excited.


Well...the wedding is on Sunday, today is Wednesday. We're getting pretty close! I was just at the spa, getting a facial, manicure, and a pedicure. It was nice while it lasted, but I just wanna get inside the house and be greeted by my fiancé. I looked up at our bedroom window and I saw Andy's silhouette. I entered the house and called out to him. "Andy! Come out and hug me, my love!!!" He ran out from the kitchen, hugged, and kissed me. "You're finally back!! Hello, my beauty!" I was now confused. "Wait...weren't you in our room, waiting for me?" I asked. "No...I've been in the kitchen, making dinner for the past 30 minutes." I looked upstairs and dashed to our room. "(Y/n), wait! Why? What happened?" Andy ran after me. I yanked our bedroom door open and my eyes darted to the window....no one's there. "I-I could've sworn I saw someone standing at our window when I was walking outside...the light was on too." I explained. Andy flicked on the lights and looked around. He checked his closest while I checked mine.


"Are you ok, (y/n)?" He asked. "Yea...I feel fine." I told him. "Maybe you should go lay down...I'll bring dinner up to you and feed you." He tucked me into bed and went to get me dinner. My stomach was making the rumblies.

(Andy's P. O. V.)

"Open, aaahhhh..." (Y/n) opened her mouth. I put the fork in her mouth and she chewed her chicken. I smiled at how cute she is...my adorable fiancé. I hope she's ok...that fall really bruised her up and now she's seeing things. I'm a bit worried. I told her to open her mouth for her last bite, I then got up and put the dirty plate and fork in the sink. When I got back upstairs, she had already fallen asleep. I kissed her forehead, she smiled slightly, I cuddled up to her and closed my eyes. I'm going to marry this woman soon.

(Your P. O. V.)

I woke up on Thursday morning, feeling better than before. "Good morning, baby." Andy said, groggily. "Morning, babe." I got out of bed and stretched out. "Raina..lets go outside, come on." I yawned. I didn't hear her feet padding on the floor to go outside. "Raina?" I looked over to her bed and she wasn't there. "Maybe she's eating breakfast downstairs." Andy said. I went downstairs and checked to see if she was eating...I don't hear her crunching on her food. Nor do I see her eating. "Raina!" I called out to her. I waited for her footsteps to sound through the house when she responds to her name, but I heard nothing. Andy joined me downstairs, "Is she not here?" He asked. "I called her and she didn't respond." I told him. We called her throughout the whole house, but she was nowhere to be found. We even checked outside and drove around the neighborhood a bit and we still could not find her. "Well, this is fucking great. My flower girl has run off two days before our wedding." I huffed. Yep, she is my flower girl. Raina is a fast learner for everything, she's extremely smart. I trained her to drop rose petals as I walked down the aisle. She'd grab a baseball cap, filled with petals, with her mouth and nod her head for the petals to fall out of the hat. I didn't train her so she'd miss out on the big day. "She shouldn't be gone for long." Andy kissed my forehead. I know Raina and she'd never run away like this. Where did she go?

Decisions, Decisions (Andy, Vic, Kellin X Reader)✔️Where stories live. Discover now