your baby is a...

26 2 0

I'm going to do the script thing again

(At the baby doctor)

Doctor:this may be cold

Rachel:could you watch out for my uniform


Finn:what is it?

Doctor:it's a boy

Rachel:Finn can we name him Finnick?

Finn:whatever you want Rach


Rach:can we have a couple DVDs for our parents


Rachel:I think this will be perfect we could get some parenting books and take care of Finnick together we could go out and find jobs Finn this could be awesome

Finn:do you mean it or is it the hormones?

Rachel:I don't know but I don't care because I'm in a really good mood so don't ruin it because it will be easy to with all these stupid mood swings

Finn:okay babe


(Sniffing in background)

Rachel:Quinn what's wrong

Quinn:I'm pregnant too

Rachel:Oh my God

Quinn:how am I going to tell Puck and my parents

Rachel:use your own advice

Quinn:I'll get kicked out

Rachel:than you can live with me and my dad

Quinn:Puck,Glee club,Sue,parents got it

Rachel:I feel bad for Sue losing her 2 best Cheerios to teen pregnancy that has to suck


Rachel:can I tell Finn because we're at the baby doctor together and he's giving me weird looks

Quinn:I guess

Rachel:by the way mines a boy


Rachel:see ya later Q

Quinn:you too R

Hang up

Finn:what was that about?

Rachel:let's say me and Quinn are a lot alike


Rachel:Quinn's pregnant



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