|Chapter 2|Before La Banda|

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Joel's POV
I was listening to Ed Sherran when I heard my mom call my name to come in eat I didn't even notice it was 1:00 pm so I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a plate and food. I was finished eating so I went to the living room to watch tv soon enough I heard someone come in and it was my best friend Juan
"Hey Juan what's up!" I said
"Oh nothing I was bored so I came here how about you?" He said
"Nothing much just watching a movie."
"What movie?" He asked
"White Chicks! It's a really funny movies come watch with me." I said while making space for Juan.
"Alright." He said
We were watching White Chicks when my mom came in and said
"Hola Juan como estas?"
"Hola Señora bien y usted?" Juan said
"Aqui bien me hacen un favor me pueden dejar usar la televisión para ver mi novela?" She said
"Yeah sure mom." I said
20 Seconds later my brothers Emmanuel,Israel and Gabriel came jumping in yelling "PONE LA ROSA DE GUADALUPE JOEL!!!!"
"I'm going okay."I said changing the channel
Juan was laughing and started watching with them.

"I said changing the channel Juan was laughing and started watching with them

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That's Juan @juanpazurita Instagram

Juan's POV
I'm really close to Joel's family so I know a lot about them since me and Joel have been friends since we were 5 so I know a lot about him and I've gained a lot of trust He's a really funny nice and caring person and has a really good talent to sing.
"Juan you wanna go to my room?"Joel asked
"Yeah sure lets go! I said"
We walked inside and I sat on this chair he had
"Let's play on your PS4!" I said
"Yeah let's play GTA 5!" He said
1 Hour Passed and It was 5:37pm and they fell asleep while playing

Joel's POV
I heard my grandma shout my name multiple times so I quickly got up and ran to the living room and saw my grandma pointing at the tv screen.
"Que paso Abuela?"
"Mira Joel como te gusta cantar deberías de audicionar por eso."
I looked at the tv screen and saw an ad about La Banda It was a singing competition and the winners will become a band.
"Si lo voy a pensar." I said leaving the room and walking to my bedroom."
I really wanted to have a singing career but I mean I don't know if I should join I don't know if I'll be comfortable there I mean I'll probably have to move and it's all the way in Florida. I made it to my room and saw Juan on his phone.
"Hey." I said trying not to sound weird
"Hey Joel is it okay if I stay my parents went to Florida to visit this annoying cousin." He said
"Yeah it's cool."I said
"Where did you go?"Juan asked
"Oh,my grandma was showing me an ad of a singing competition she thinks I should audition." I said
"You should totally Join I mean you sing amazing." He said
"I don't know it's gonna be a lot of strangers and people I don't know."
Juan POV
I don't know what is up with Joel but he has been very different and says he is uncomfortable usually he's a really happy fun and exciting person but he lost himself somehow. I decided to ask him if I could stay so I can really figure out what is wrong and also because I didn't want to be alone my parents are visiting my cousin Tatiana who is spoiled and mean and bossy and the worst thing ever and I decided not to go because why would I go to a girl with rich parents who give her everything and let her do everything and think she's an angel.

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