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t y l e r

i sat motionless on my bed as i thought about what happened earlier with josh. i've ignored my parents ever since i came home, i haven't even picked up my phone.

he was ruining me and i did nothing about it. i'm weak.

i do admit that it can get annoying sometimes but i liked getting the attention. it'd been easy to cope with things like this even though what josh was doing was very wrong.

i was already starting to plan out the outfit i'd wear tomorrow, i wanted to look cute, as always.

my ideas would definitely confuse josh and i'd finally be able to clap back. i'll act like the dominant one for once, maybe i'd even yell at him with confidence.

josh liked being in control from what i've seen him do.

i could only dream of changing that, but not forever.

i took a bath and found comfort for a few minutes. i felt like i was washing away josh's touch.

i dunked my head under the the water to rinse the soap from my hair and then got out of the tub.

after i dried myself off and got all comfy for bed, i finished putting together the outfit i'd wear to school tomorrow for josh.

i picked out a light pink pleated skirt along with a white top to tuck into it, i also chose some frilly white socks and pink converse.

it was very cute.

i then dug through my dresser for my special undergarments.

some pink panties made of lace, the perfect choice for josh.


i walked into school confidently wearing my adorable outfit, immediately spotting josh and making sure to wave at him before walking to my locker.

i started putting in my combination when i heard a slam against the lockers next to mine.

i peeked, seeing josh standing there with a huge grin on his face.

"hey, sweetie, it sure is nice to see you!" he gave out a small laugh with the words he let out.

"h-hi josh," i turned my focus back to locker and tried putting in my combination again, "could you try bothering me later."

before josh started speaking he put his hands on my hips and got close to my ear. "bothering? i just wanted to see how you're doing."

i felt my cheeks get hot. i wasn't sure what to do.

"oh, my gosh, leave him the fuck alone." i heard brendon speak as he grabbed the taller boys shoulder and shoved him away.

i sighed, maybe not so much in relief?
i kinda wanted to keep talking to josh, but i didn't want josh to do anything to me.

"thanks bren." i mumbled as i threw my bookbag in my locker and grabbed my books.

"hm, sorry i'm such a bother." josh threw his hands up like he was defeated.

"yeah okay." i told josh, then went on my way to class.

"see ya later, honey." i heard josh say in the distance but just ignored it.

sometimes brendon was a blessing to have around, maybe today wasn't one of the blessed ones.

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