Ch. 11: Trusting Friends

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<~Ross' POV:

"C'mon Riker, you really should go home." I said trying to keep from laughing. Watching my brother drunk was too funny.

Laura didn't stop herself from laughing.

"What are you laughing at cutie?" Riker asked Laura. I frowned.

Riker pushed Laura up against the wall.

"Ross! Help!" Laura squealed trying to push Riker off. Right away I shoved him off of her.

"Dude, you need help." I grumbled, holding Laura close to me.

"Hehe. I think youuu need helpp." Riker laughed and pointed at me. Laura just giggled.

"Wow he's soooo drunk." She whispered in my ear.

"I know. It's hilarious but I think we better bring him home." I tell Laura.

She nods in agreement.

"Okay Riker, it's time to go home." I say grabbing his arm and dragging him along with us.

"Noooo! Wait I need to bring a girllll homee!" Riker said looking back.

"No." I said sternly and continued to pull him out the door.

"It's okayyy, I'll just bring this oneee!" Riker said pulling Laura to chest and holding her there. He leaned in to try and kiss her.

"Ross! Help!" Laura squeals as she struggles to get away. I shove Riker away from him.

"If you go after Laura one more time I will beat the hell out of you." I warned Riker. He laughed in my face and pushed his way through me back into the crowds of dancing people.

I sighed and turned to Laura, "Now we have to go get him again."

"Ross, I don't want to go back in those crowds of people. I just want you to take me home and we can snuggle." Laura whines.

I sighed again, "Laur, you know I can't leave my brother." I said.

She nods, "I know." She agrees, "So lets go find him." She says grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers.

I lead her though the thick crowd. I could feel myself being bumped into every six seconds! Where did Riker go!

I could feel Laura being bounced back in forth between bodies too.

"Ross, can you carry me?" Laura asks, tugging on my arm.

I frown, "Really." Laura just giggled and nods. I pick her up bridal style.

"Thanks Rossy. I love you." She says.

Wow did she really just call me that? Eh whatever, "I love you too, Laur." I say leaning down and planting a kiss on her lips.

We pulled apart and I saw Riker in the distance.

I ran toward him. Laura tensed up, "Ross! Slow down!" She screams and clings onto me.

"I got cha, don't worry." I assured her.

When we got to Riker he was making out with some girl. I set Laura back down on her feet.

"Riker. We really need to go. C'mon!" I demanded as I yank his shoulder, pulling him away from the girl.

"Dude! What da hell!" He shouts and punches me in the stomach, knocking the wind out of me. I fall on the floor.

"Ross!" Laura screams in horror and sits down by my side.

"Ross! Are you okay!?" Laura asks franticly as she examines me.

I take deep breaths and sit up, "Yeah I'm fine. He just knocked the wind out of me." I assured her.

Laura hugged me and rested her head on the top of my shoulder, "Can we please just go home. Your parents can come get him." Laura begged me.

I sigh, "Alright lets go." I say giving in. I stand up and Laura is already hugging me again.


I drove us both back to my house. My mom and dad can go get him because I don't think Riker is going to listen to us anyways.

We made it to my house and went inside, but all that was going on was fighting between my parents.

Laura hid her face in my chest. I just wanted to know what was going on.

"Mom? Dad? Is everything okay?" I asked them nervously.

Mom sighed and glanced at my dad, "Yes it's just..." She trailed off and dad put his hand on her shoulder.

"What is it?" I ask.

Mom sighed, "I think you should ask Delly."

I didn't say anything at first, I nodded. Until I remembered what I came to tell them, ", dad. Riker is at the bar, drunk and we can't get him go leave." I say.

"What!" They both exclaim and storm out the door.

Laura and I took one glance at each other and went looking for Rydel.

I knocked on her room door, "Hey Del, can I come in?" I asked.

"No!" She shouted.

I frowned. Laura smiled at me, "Here let me try."

Laura knocked, "Del, please open up. It's Laura."

The door unlocked and Rydel pulled Laura in and locked me out again. What! Really!


<~Laura's POV:

I gave Rydel a hug. I could tell she has been crying.

"Delly, can you please tell me what's wrong?" I asked gently.

She sniffs and shakes her head, "I don't wanna." She whined.

I rubbed her back, "Please. I can make you feel better." I assure her.

She takes a deep breath and lets it out again, "Laura..." She paused, "I'm pregnant."

My jaw drops, "Delly that's amazing!" I exclaim and hug her.

She shakes her head, "No it's not..." She sighs.

"Why. Is Calum the dad?" I ask.

She nods.

Wow didn't they just start dating like a week ago or maybe a little more...I dunno.

"Have you told him yet?" I ask.

She shakes her head, "No, I've only told my parents and they started fighting about it."

"Don't you think you should tell Calum and your brothers?" I ask.

"I will just not Calum or Ross." She says.

"Why not Ross?" I ask.

"Because he will tell Calum right after he beats him up." Rydel explains and well she is right.

"Don't you think everyone else would do the same thing?" I remind her.

"No. Riker, Rocky, and Ryland don't know Calum good enough." Rydel says.

"True. So I'm guessing you don't want me to tell your overprotective little brother either." I say.

Delly laughed, but then her mood changed to serious, "Please don't tell him, Laur." She begged.

I sighed, "Alright I won't." I assure her.

"Okay. I trust you Laur." Delly said giving me a hug.


A/N: Sorry I took wayyyyy too long to update. Hopefully that doesn't happen again. The next chapter will be up this week! Anyways please comment and vote! Also sorry if you saw and typos or anything like that I didn't have time to edit this and I wanted to get it up ASAP!


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