[A Fresh Start - 01]

Start from the beginning

"I'm so sorry about him, that's Stefan's brother, he's not someone you should associate yourself with. Stay with me and you'll be fine" Jessica is the only person I know so far, so I trust that she will keep me away from those kind of people. I can't wait to meet her boyfriend, I hope he's better than that guy.

"Would you like a tour?" Jess offers, throwing both her arms up in the air and gesturing what the plane hostess' do before take off, she giggles and I burst out laughing. I nod and we leave the dorms, I don't take my phone because it needs charging. Plus I don't want to be interrupted by Nicholas, I need to know my way around so I'm not late for any classes.

After an hour of me rambling about my classes, Jess is astounded by my major in media. She thought I'd be one of those snobby English majors which kind of offended me, thank god I'm not an English major.

The university is huge, bigger than the one I went to in Georgia, which is where I'm from. My mother and I moved here because of my drug addict father, but I've been told to tell people that we moved here because she got a new publishing job. She's too proud to admit the real reason, I don't blame her.

"That's it! That's everything, oh yeah! There's a party tonight at Stefan's frat house, we should go! Then you can meet him!" I wanted to go, but parties aren't my thing.

**Remember no parties, no alcohol and no smoking!!** My moms rules drifted into my head.. I could stay for a bit?

"Yeah, sure. I don't have anything to wear though, I need to go shopping when my money is deposited into my account by my mother which will be the end of the week hopefully"
Jess screams and jumps with joy, holding my hands and making me jump with her.
"Yay! And don't worry about clothes, I have loads of dresses you can wear if you'd like?" I nod and we head to a Starbucks off campus, Jess says its the best one she's ever been too.

"Two cinnamon fraps Jenny, extra coffee!" She seems to know everyone around here, is she a regular? Probably. Teenagers love coffee.

"These are the greatest drinks you will ever try in your entire life!" She says, most likely exaggerating- oh my god she's totally right! The cinnamon isn't too strong and the coffee is just the right flavour, it is the best drink I've ever tasted.
"You like?" I nod in agreement, whilst still sipping from the straw.
Once we had finished drinking, we stayed in the coffee shop for another hour just gossiping, she told me loads of funny stories about Damon being a complete idiot at most of the parties she had been too so far. Which sound ludicrous by the way.
Damon, Stefan and Jess all played beer pong at Stefan's frat house, but instead of beer it was straight vodka and Damon was sick everywhere, he clearly can't handle his drink very well.

I don't drink, my mother used to drink a lot when she found out my dad was doing drugs, it was a nightmare having to juggle studying and making sure her vomit didn't get on the carpet.
I managed well, but now she swears never to touch a drop of alcohol ever again.

"So, what other classes have you taken?" Jess asks as we leave Starbucks and head back to the dorm, her car looks extremely expensive, does she work?
"Psychology, history and architecture, it's not what I had hoped to take but I think I'm going to enjoy it a lot"
She tells me that shes in the same architecture class as me, and that the teacher is quite the looker. I'm relieved I have someone in my at least one of my classes.

By the time we get back to our dorm, it is three in the afternoon, Jess says the parties around here usually start at around seven so I have four hours to prepare myself for social encounters.

"Wanna look at some of my dresses?" Jessica- I mean jess asks, I nod nervously and she opens her closest, then picks out three dresses, one is a little black dress, the other is an off the shoulder white patterned dress and the last one, which is my favourite, is a short red dress, I have the perfect leather jacket to suit this outfit.

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