When I'm Gone

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  "Look at his ass." Max snickered, a French fry in hand. "You're terrible." Talia's southern accent cooed. "You can't tell me he's not hot." He took a drink from his pop. They were sitting at Freckle Bitch's 'hottie spotting' as Max liked to call it. "You ladies enjoyin yourselves?" Johnny sat down across from them.


 "Why would ya do that? Spit em out!" Talia shoved Max to the bathroom and bent him over the tub. "Leave me alone." He tried pushing her away. She jammed her fingers down his throat, hoping it'd purge his stomach. He gagged, his stomach heaving. "I won't let ya do this, this ain't what Johnny woulda wanted!"


 "Shouldn't have fucked with the saints!" Max shouted after shooting a Samedi in the head. "Nice one, but watch this." Talia whipped a grenade in a car that had just rolled up. "Oh shit." Max ducked behind a dumpster. The following explosion made the car jump off the ground and land on its top. "Holy shit. That was fuckin awesome!" Max grinned, echoing what she had done. 


"I can't believe ya didn't tell me!" Talia crossed her arms over her chest, pouting. "I would've sooner but Johnny wanted to keep it secret after what happened with Eesh." Max opened a beer. She took a swig of his beer and held onto it. "He's good to ya right?" She sat down on the couch. "Yeah, he is." Max couldn't hold back his smile. 


 Max wretched into the tub, the pills he'd taken came up. They were both sobbing, Talia buried her face in Max's back. He coughed up the last of the alcohol he'd been binge drinking. "Why..couldn't you just let me die." He panted. Whiskey didn't taste good mixed with vodka, especially not the second time around. 


 "He's not dead, no way that eurotrash got the better of him!" Max fumed. "Ya weren't there sugar, he's gone. I'm sorry." Talia put her hand on his shoulder. "Yer wrong. He's alive, I know it." He was grinding his teeth. This was bullshit, the boss of all people should have faith in Johnny. The three of them went way back. 


 "Ya can't keep doin this, next time they might not let us take you home." The boss's words were muffled by tears and Max's shirt. "This isn't home. We shouldn't even be here." He shoved his hands into his hair and tugged on it, sobbing. "I know sugar." She wrapped her arms around him. "We should be back in Stillwater in the crib. This is all wrong." He pulled his knees up to his chest, settling against the tub. 


 "Boss, I-I need help, Jesus I don't know what to do." Alex spoke quickly, trying to keep his cool. His hands were covered in blood which meant his phone now had blood on it too, but he didn't care. He was too busy trying to keep Max from bleeding out. "It's Max, he slit his wrists. H-he's lost alotta blood." His breathing was sporadic. 


 "Ah, Mr. Watkins. This is our third visit this month. What happened this time?" The doctor turned to Talia. "He uhm, he took some pills. You know, tried to overdose." Her breath was still hitching. The doctor nodded before moving into the hallway, he began speaking with a nurse. He came back in the room scribbling something on his clipboard. "So doc, are you gonna lock me up or am I free to try again." Max said sarcastically, pulling his IV out. "I'm sorry?" The doctor squinted at Max. "What, three failed attempts. Did you think I'd just stop there?" He took the heart rate monitor off. Talia almost began crying again when the monitor flat lined. "No Max, you're gettin a babysitter." She composed herself. "What?!" Max threw the blankets off of himself and got out of the bed. "Ya can't be trusted alone, Alex has nightmares. He's terrified that next time we'll be too late." She tried to sound reasonable. "No way, I'm not a fucking child!" He brushed past her. 

                                                          ------------------time skip--------------------

  "All you're stuff's here, mate. If you don't like how it's positioned we'll change it up." Alex patted Max on the shoulder. "How the fuck did you get this out of my apartment?!" He threw his hands in the air. "Point a gun in anyone's face and suddenly they're willin to work with ya." Alex shrugged. Max threw himself down on the bed in defeat. "I hate you all." He groaned. Alex sat down next to him, allowing him to rest his head in his lap. "It's gonna be alright, I know it doesn't look like it. But it'll get better, don't ya want revenge?" Alex ran his fingers through Max's hair. Max just nodded his head, closing his eyes and falling asleep. ~fin~  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2016 ⏰

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