01- Plotting

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5 months after Suicide Squad....

Harley Quinn wore a smirk on her pale face as the guards escorted her in her wheel chair. She was strapped down tightly so that she couldn't get loose and kill anybody. She couldn't help the small giggle escape her pale lips.

The fairs stopped her in front of the lounge area, where the prisoners come every day for a half an hour. But Harley couldn't wait to see her friends; she had good news.

"You've got 30 minutes, prisoner." The hairs said as he unstrapped her arms, legs and neck.

"Yeah, yeah, I love you too, Rob." Harley grinned at him as she jumped out of her chair.

The one guard sighed loudly. "How many times do I need to tell you? My name isn't Rob, it's Dylan."

Harley rolled her eyes. "Yeah whatever, Bob." She turned to the rest of the squad. "Hiya boys!"

Deadshot, who was sitting at the round table, nodded at her in acknowledgement. Killer Croc was sitting in the corner and only growled in response. Boomerang gave a sarcastic girly wave to her from across Deadshot.

Harley plopped herself with down next to Deadshot.

"What's up, Quinn?" He asked.

"I'm getting outta here." She stated proudly, not caring if the guards 20 feet away heard. The prisoners often made fruitless threats of breaking out. So why would they take a small, crazy clown girl's threat seriously?

Captain Boomerang snickered. "Yeah, and I'm a purple dog that poops pre-wrapped suckers."

"Well," Harley started with a small smile. "Get your suckers ready, purple dog, because my Mistah J is gonna rescue me. He's my knight in purple leather trench coat and green hair."

Floyd sent a worrisome glance at the guards who weren't paying attention anyway. "He is? When?"

Harley nodded frantically. She had the attention of everyone in the cell room now, even Croc who leaned in a little to hear better.

"Soon. You in or not?"

"Aren't you afraid you are going to get caught?" El Diablo asked.

"My puddin' won't give up that easy on me." Harley said confidently.

"Like he did when he left you to drown and get taken by the bat and then get placed in this hell hole?" Digger raised his eyebrows expectingly at her.

"He-he didn't abandon me. He just forget about me is all." Harley reasoned. "And besides, he came back for me."

"I never said he abandoned you, but you stole the words right or of my mouth." Boomerang smirked at her.

The squad looked down or away, causing Harley to frown. She really thought that her friends would be on board with her jail break. Instead, they seemed scared, as if they had no fight left in them.

"What's wrong? Ya guys don't trust me or somethin'?" She questions them with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, you're kind of...you know...crazy." Deadshot mumbled.

"Humph," Harley put her hands on her small hips. "I'm not gonna break you out then. None of you."

"Listen Crazy," Boomerang leaned in to said, "Nobody is every coming to break us outta here, and nobody is breaking their self outta here. In fact, we are probably never going to leave. Ever."

Everyone grew silent, taking in what he just said. Floyd was thinking about his daughter. He was thinking about how it had been almost a month since he last saw her and Amanda had promised to let him see her once every Saturday.

El Diablo was thinking about his life outside of the metal tube he was living in now.

Killer Croc thought about what it would be like to swim the Missouri River. Feeling the clean waves washing over him.

Boomerang thought about going back to Australia and laying in a pile of the biggest and best jewels of the land.

Harley thought about how long it has been since she felt wind blow in her face. Or since she kissed those sweet lips of Joker's. She felt like it had been forever since she gazed into his beautiful blew eyes. Harley shook her head clearing those thoughts from her brain.

"I don't care what you think. My puddin' is coming for me because he loves me, and I love him." Harley stood and spun around, walking towards the guards. "Guards! I'm ready to go back to my cell."

They looked skeptical but nodded anyway.

"Turn around and put your hands on your head." Dylan, her guard, instructed. She did as she was told and she was shoved into her chair and the straps were clicked together.

"You'll all see;" Harley shouted to them as the guards escorted her back to her cell. "I'm not as crazy as you might think."

Psychotic Love (JokerxHarleyQuinn)Where stories live. Discover now