The Reinvention of Rosalie Hale Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Good News

"Bella, where are you?" I asked immediately, "More importantly, where is Edward?" 

Bella took a breath, and I couldn't help but pace. It felt no different than sitting, but this was just such fantastic news! A baby? I would do anything I possibly could to make sure Bella was healthy and happy, and that she delivered this baby. (Well not necessarily happy, just healthy)

"I'm in the car, at the airport. Edward is outside the car, talking to the pilot I think. He wants to get rid of the baby, Rose. He called my baby a thing!" she sounded disgusted, and evidently upset. I was glad Bella wanted to keep her baby, too. If anything happened to her, I would take care of the baby immediately. 

"Okay, Bella. I'll be at the airport waiting. I won't let him, or anyone else, hurt your baby. I understand how you feel. I'd feel the same way." If my heart could still beat, It'd be hammering so hard it'd beat out of my chest.

I left Bella with only encouraging words. I wouldn't let Emmett, Carlisle, Alice, Edward - anyone - hurt Bella or the baby. 

It was common knowledge that I had a slight distaste for Bella and her choices, but her choice to save her baby was one I agreed with completely. As awful of me as it was, I almost wished she'd die in the process of delivering the baby. I cursed myself aloud as soon as the thought came into my mind.

I needed to be on Bella's side now, because I was almost positive everyone else would be against it.

"So you've obviously heard the news." Emmett said as he sauntered into our bedroom. I turned to him and smiled. He shook his head. "This won't be good, Rose. Carlisle wants that thing out of her."

I glared at Emmett. 

"It is not a thing. It is a baby, Emmett. A baby." my voice was soft and gentle. That was different, I thought. Emmett rolled his neck.

"Why don't we try to make a baby?" he wiggled his eyebrows in a seductive manor, no longer thinking of the topic at hand. I growled at him.

"If I could make a baby, Emmett, I would."

With that I stormed out of the room and outside. I didn't want to hear Emmett and his sexual innuendos

Esme followed me outside. She was quiet at a mouth and looked sincere and thoughtful. 

"I'm scared." she whispered almost inaudibly. I nodded in agreement, though I wasn't scared. "I don't want anything to happen to Bella." she looked panicky and upset.

I agreed with her on the second part, but I wasn't afraid. I was rude, and cold hearted. I only saw gain, no loss. I wouldn't lose anything I didn't already have; though I may miss Bella, she was truly nothing to me. It was a sad fact of life, but I'd take care of the baby.

I comforted Esme, my arm draped lovingly around her shoulder. You could say Esme was one of the few people I truly loved, without a question of a doubt. She thought of Emmett, Edward, Jasper, Alice and I as her children. She completely understood my pain. The pain of never knowing what a child of our own would look like. Who they'd grow up to be.

I knew Esme didn't think of the baby Bella was carrying the same way as I did. She loved Bella, more than I thought she possibly could. Then again, Bella made Edward happy. That made Esme happy.

I pushed the thought out of my mind and focused on the forest  around us. Then a thought crossed my mind and I became tense.

That stupid mutt wouldn't want Bella to carry out the pregnancy, either. He'd probably be the most repulsed. I brushed the thought out of my mind. I wouldn't let him, or his mangy mutt friends, get in the way.

I heard the door open and shut, and Carlisle's soft and calculated footsteps cross the wooden platform. He folded Esme in his arms as she grieved for what could happen. He whispered sweet assurances in her ear. I hung my head, and then met Carlisle's eye.

I assume he's suspected how I feel about the situation already.

"Rosalie," his voice was calm but the authority in it was heavy. Carlisle knew he couldn't force me to do what he thought was right; but Carlisle would never do that anyway. He'd always made it clear each of us had our free will. "Please understand that Bella's life is in danger." 

I nodded, completely aware. I thought I saw a flash of anger in his eyes, but I knew Carlisle too well. He wouldn't be angry at me for my decision, he'd just be disappointed. But I felt strongly about what I wanted to do.

"I understand that. But I stand behind Bella and her decision." with that I walked away.

Jasper and Alice lay lazily on the couch, pretending to be consumed by the television commercial. I rolled my eyes. 

Is this what our lives have came to? Sitting in front of a television, feigning interest?

I went upstairs and sat in front of my mirror once more

I pushed my hair back a little, tilting my head from side to side, looking at different angles of my face. Trying to picture what my daughter would look like, if she could possibly exist. If I were able to cry, I would be crying now.

My entire body seemed to ache with the desire to have a baby. 

I sat there until it was time to meet Bella and Edward at the airport. I kept picturing what a daughter would look like. A son. Would they have my nose, or Emmett's nose? My hair colour, or Emmetts? I would never know, though.

Vote and comment, please! Any feedback would be superbly helpful. I'd like to know what you think of the idea? Good, or bad? Please, help me out! 10 votes and comments and I'll throw the next part at you lovely people. <3



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