"Don't lie to me." She says and John sighs again

"Well... you never know what will happen in college..." He says with a smirk. "Party on the beach with my girlfriend maybe?"

Gabriella smiles. "You mean spring break." She says and watches as John nods.

"I'm hoping I can book reservations for some nice hotel in Cancun." He exclaims and Gabriella smiles. She was so happy that both he and Cassie had found each other. They were amazing together and she loved both of them.

"Ok... well, have fun saving people." She says and gives him a small wave.

"Oh, I will. See ya Brie!" He says with a wave and Gabriella walks down towards the Lava Springs building. She walks around the side so she avoids walking through the dinning room where people were probably still having lunch and opens the door to the fucking room. Thankfully, no one was in there so she strides across it and then opens the door to the room with the piano. She then goes into her and Troy's room and smiles as she could almost still see the imprint of their bodies in front of the fireplace. Her eyes linger on it for a moment longer before she pushes the kitchen door open to see that everyone was running around like crazy. She looks up at the clock to discover that it was one PM, so that meant they were in the middle of the lunch rush.

Her eyes scan the room to find that Taylor was sitting in the corner, eating her own lunch. Gabriella feels a grin grow on her cheeks as she sits down next to her best friend since freshman year. "Hey Brie!" Taylor greets her and Gabriella smiles brightly back.

"Hey Tay." She greets her back.

"Look at what a loser my boyfriend is." She exclaims and Gabriella turns and looks to see Chad sprinting back into the kitchen with sweat gleaming on his forehead. Both girls giggle as he runs out again with another plate in his hands, looking like an idiot.

"Oh Chad." Gabriella responds as her stomach flips while her own boyfriend comes strolling in with a confused look on his face.

"Anyone wanna tell me why Chad's acting stupid?" He yells and Zeke turns around from where he was cooking and laughs. "Well, more stupid then normal?"

"Cuz he broke a plate and one of the members stepped on it with bare feet. He's defiantly getting a strike." Zeke explains and Troy rolls his eyes. Gabriella giggles as the piercing blue eyes finally land on hers and he looks at her curiously.

"Why the hell aren't you working?" He asks while he struts over to where she was sitting.

"Cuz John was nice and gave me the rest of the day off." She says as he stands over her. "Aren't you happy to see me?"

Troy rolls his eyes again. "No shit but it'd be nice if you'd help me out?" He begs and Gabriella shakes her head.

"No I'll let you do the dirty work." Troy glares at her again and he shakes his head.

"You suck Gabi." He says and Gabriella shakes her head.

"I love you too!" She calls out flirting and Troy goes back to work.

Troy sits down on the couch in his family room and plays with his hands nervously. His parents were coming home today, which he was really happy for, even though he wouldn't admit it to anyone else. He suddenly feels another presence sit down next to him and he flashes his bright white teeth at Gabriella who was smiling back at him.

"So..." She says while drawing an invisible circle with her finger on his bicep. "You excited to see them?" She asks and Troy nods.

"Yea... I guess. But now you can't sleep over." He says the last part quietly since both of them knew Gabriella's mom was in the kitchen.

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