"I thought it was because I was gay?" I asked.

"No, you're a hero," Morgan said. "Anyway, if I'm going to kill the Killer, we all need to work together. Everyone follow me!" Morgan walked into the middle of the road and to the other side, but all of a sudden, traffic was really strong and it took us a half an hour to be able to cross the road. Once we did, we were all looking at a giant mansion. Thunder and lightning struck; and I admit, I was frightened.

"The killer lives in there!" Morgan screamed over the insane wind. "Everyone; get inside!"

We all ran inside, Morgan slamming the door behind us. We all were out of breath. There was a ghostly silence now that we were inside. The mansion looked old. There were cobwebs everywhere. A piece of wood from the balcony above fell and hit me in the head,

knocking me out for a second. Once I regained consciousness, I stood up again. "We don't have any weapons, Morgan Freeman. What if the killer finds us and tries to kill us? We won't be able to protect ourselves!"

"That sounds like a you problem," Morgan said. Then he looked at the look on our faces. "Oh, all right! Here's some weapons, Jesus." He gave Johnny a knife, Bam a gun, Rebecca a machete, and he gave me a skateboard. That was awesome. "Okay. Here's what we're gonna do. I'm gonna go my own way, Bam and Johnny go their ways together, and Tessa and Rebecca partner up."

"I don't want to kiss Rebecca!" I exclaimed. Gross, that's disgusting. I felt myself get punched.

"Hey! Stop it!"

"Now, let's find the killer!" Morgan said and ran down a hallway. Bam and Johnny went up the stairs. The only place left for me to go was the basement...That's where demons live. Rebecca just shrugged and nonchalantly strolled down the stairs, walking through cobwebs, into the basement. She was so nerdy and disgusting. So uncool. I thought about hitting her with my skateboard for a moment, or throwing it at her disgusting head as she walked down the stairs.

She turned around. "You know, you're supposed to come with me."

"It's dark down there!" I screamed.

Rebecca did a poker face. "Cool! Now get down here or I'll go get the killer, and tell him to kill you. How about that?"

"I hate you," I said and walked down the old wooden stairs. They creaked with every step. Suddenly, my foot broke through, and eventually the rest of my body. I slammed onto the hard basement floor. I got up and saw Rebecca looking at me, judging me. "Don't judge," I said.

We walked along the basement. It was pitch black down here except for Rebecca's flashlight. We passed some red writing on the wall that said, "Morgan Freeman is a murderer". Wow, that's strange. It looks like blood too. We kept on walking, but then Rebecca stopped.

"You know, I honestly think Morgan Freeman is the killer and he just tricked us to get in this mansion," Rebecca said.

"Honestly... you're probably right," I agreed.

"I say we go upstairs and kill him instead." Rebecca didn't even wait for me to say anything. She ran up the stairs, jumping over the broken part. I followed her, tripped on the top stair, but still followed her. She ran down the hallway Morgan first went down. I turned around to see Bam and Johnny following us. I stopped, as did everyone else.

"You guys, Morgan is the killer!" Bam said.

"He is, we saw all of these weird clues," Johnny said.

"We know. We're going after him," Rebecca piped in.

"I say we tie him up and torture him for money!" I exclaimed. Everyone looked at each other, shrugged, and then continued running down the endless hallway until we saw Morgan Freeman standing at the end of the hallway, looking at the wall for clues. Bam tackled him, tied him up, and put him in a chair.

"What are you guys doing?!" Morgan screamed.

"You're the killer so we're gonna kill you!" I yelled, but then, all of a sudden, my world went black. I guess I must've blacked out. When I woke up again, I was tied to a chair and sitting in a wooden room. Bam, Rebecca, and Morgan were tied up next to me. I saw Johnny in front of us, sharpening a sword. He turned around and laughed at us.

"Well, well, well... look what we got here. You guys are morons. How did you not know I was the killer?" Johnny laughed.

"Oh my god! Plot twist!" I said, looking at my friends.

"Shut up," Johnny said.

"I can't believe you'd betray us like that," Rebecca said. "So you're the Professional Skateboarder Killer, huh? You're a jerk."

"I'm a what?" Johnny asked, adjusting his hearing aid.

"You're a JERK!" Rebecca said.

"Wow, that's uncalled for and rude," Johnny said.

"No diggity!" I said. Suddenly I felt myself get punched. Wait... if I got punched, that means Morgan has his arms free! I looked over to see Morgan get up and punch Johnny, shoving him into the nearby fire. His body immediately evaporated.

"Wow. He was really dry," Morgan said. He untied us, called the cops, and we all walked out of the house, watching as the flames swallowed the mansion whole.

We all were in shock of what happened that day. A good friend of ours turned out to be a Skateboarder Killer, and I didn't know what to think or how to feel. I can't believe we thought Morgan was the killer first, but whatever. All of us were sitting in Morgan's apartment, drinking hot chocolate, when all of a sudden, he ran at us with a chainsaw.

We all died, he turned out to be the Killer too, and that's the end.

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