-Chapter 2-

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"Have a seat gentlemen," Misaki said smiling.

"What kind of joke is this meant to be. What the hell are you doing here?" Richard yelled slamming his fist on the table before him. If someone thought that it would be funny to bring her in like this, then they were wrong. " Where's the CEO of this company."

"Well I'm the only one here, so the CEO must be me right," She said. In honest truth, Misaki had to mentally prepared herself to deal with Richard and his antics, which is why they had to wait before.

"Do you think I'm stupid, you being a CEO ha..... now that's just ridiculous," Richard answered glaring at her, trying to intimidate her but Misaki just remained with a care-free type of expression on her face.

"I'm telling you that I am the CEO and let me tell you, I have better things to do than sit here and argue with you, so you better believe it or leave it," Misaki countered also glaring at Richard to show that he had no effect on her. " Now let's hear what you wanted to do with my company."

Gerald finally returning to full composure, decided to speak. "Wait, first tell us how on earth are you the CEO!"

Misaki sighed and look up at Gerald. She noticed Takumi next to his brother watching her every move, so she tried to avoid his gaze and focus only on Gerald. "That has nothing to do with what you came here for, plus I don't think you have the right to know about my private life."

"We have a God damm right to know whatever we want!" Richard interrupted.

"No you don't," Misaki answered. "Are you gonna talk about this collaboration plan of yours or not."

"We're not moving until we find out what we want to know," Gerald said sitting down in a chair followed by his grandfather, while Takumi continued to stand up.

"I bet I can change that," Misaki smirked and they all knew what she was meaning.

"No way are you going to kick us out," Gerald argued.

Five minutes later....

"I can't believe that girl kicked us out. Gerald how the hell did she become the CEO of Gold Partners," Richard asked looking at his grandson.

"I'm just as lost as you are grandfather. I'll have to do an investigation about this," Gerald said looking over at his grandfather.

"Yes, put all the best men you have on it and about that plan to collaborate with Gold partners...get Takumi to convince her to do it. Them having to use to date may be an advantage," Richard thought out loud.

Gerald thought for a moment. "But isn't it a disadvantage too since Takumi might still have feelings for her?"

Richard just laughed. "He better not if he knows what's good for him. I'm going to make her wish she stayed where she belonged before. Does she think she can gain a little status and talk like she's one of us....she must be as delusional as I thought."

"What a sudden turn of events," Gerald said smirking. " Let's see how long you can last Ayuzawa."

Gold Partners Inc.

Takumi stayed behind since apparently he had something to talk to Misaki about. She allowed him to speak with her for a minimum amount of time, which lead to them sitting face to face, in the same room, not saying anything to each other.

"What did you want to say Takumi," Misaki asked. It took her some confidence to call him by his name.

"You really have changed huh, back then you wouldn't have called me by my name so easily," Takumi sighed.

"It's been a long time, so of course I have changed over the past five years."

"Where were you, how have you been?" Takumi asked.

"Is this what you wanted to talk to me about, I'm good so let's just end it there. Don't try to suddenly care about how I feel now," Misaki yelled. It was really frustrating being in this room alone with Takumi, there were so many things she had to say to him but now wasn't the time.

"Misaki I'm sorry about what happened in the past but can we please just forget about that for a moment?"

"Oh don't worry, it's just like you said that it happened in the past and you know what, I forgot about you and I," Misaki admitted. She came to far to allow feelings from the past stop her from what she wanted to accomplish.

Takumi sighed and looked down at his phone that had recently buzzed, then looked back at Misaki. "About earlier I apologise about my grandfather but we would like to continue the plan of collaborating with your company. Would you be able to come by tomorrow morning at nine?"

Misaki nodded and extended her hand for him to shake. "Yes, thank you and I guess that I'll see you all again tomorrow."

Takumi stood up and shook her hand. "Make sure you come to Walker Inc. prepared," He adding before leaving the room. Takumi knew his grandfather would be up to something, with him suddenly continuing the collaboration project without hesitation.

Misaki sat there bewildered for a moment but then smiled to herself. " You have no idea how prepared I am."

Moments later, the door for the meeting room opened to reveal a very tall brunette man. It was Kou, Misaki's secretary. He was a very kind yet strong-willed man ,who liked to charge of every situation and that's why Misaki hired him. To her, he had the determination she wanted to be in someone who worked under her.

"So you called security on them, I wasn't expecting that," Kou stated resting up on the table.

Misaki sighed. "I wasn't expecting that either and now that I think about it, I should have done it myself."

"So what did you and lover boy had to speak about?" Kou asked with a smile on his face.

Misaki rested her head in her palms. "Aahh, he wanted to ask how I was."

Kou was confused for a moment. "So what's wrong with that?"

"I almost lost myself for a moment around him," She admitted still resting her head in her palms.

"Misaki Ayuzawa, you listen to me," Kou yelled slamming a document he had in his hands on the table, surprising Misaki.

"Are you crazy-"

"Slightly," He answered. "Now repeat after me, my name is Misaki Ayuzawa and nothing gets in my way."

"Why do I have to-"

"Just do it," Kou ordered. Sometimes she wondered who was really the boss.

"My name is Misaki Ayuzawa and nothing gets in my way."

"I have worked hard to get where I am," Kou continued.

"I have worked hard to get where I am."

"I am a fierce woman you scares the shit out of people."

"I am a fierce woman you scares the sh- wait what, Kou you idiot go and do your job before I murder you," Misaki warned giving him a death glare.

Kou sighed. "You see, you just scared the hell out of me," He mumbled leaving the room.

Misaki shook her head smiling. She ran a hand through her hair. ' It's about to get hectic. You made a big mistake taking me into your company Richard.'

Back at Takumi's office...

Takumi slowly walked into his office, thinking about meeting Misaki again. He couldn't believe she was here again and better yet, she owned a company. He sat down on the chair in front of his desk and went into his top drawer, pulling out an old picture.

Was history giving him a second chance at love with Misaki again?

He looked at the picture of both him and Misaki. They had taken it after he won a contest at the maid latte she used to work at.

"You forgot about us," He said looking at the picture. "I don't think I can do the same."

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