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Hey it's Cassie.

The picture is a little bit of my last chapter.

I'm just going to talk about what happened in the beginning all the way until now.

Hana Hayes was a youtuber and actress. She had her life planned out. She was going to go to a great college have a great career.
But one day her friend Damien shows up at her door.
He asks her to have sex and when she refuses he knocks her out.

When she wakes up the first thing she does is go out and get a pregnancy test.
When she went back home and tried it, it came out with positive.
Damien calls Hana and threatens her if she ever tells anyone.

Chandler Riggs, her ex, breaks up with her because she is pregnant.

Sandy, Hanas mom, kicks her out of the house and onto the streets.

Hana meets someone that works at the motel she is staying at.

Hana then starts doing drugs and drinking.

Her friend takes her to rehab and Hana slowly gets better.

Hana meets three people that become her friends.
Chloe and two other guys which I forgot their names. Sorry.

When Sandy bails Hana out of rehab after she has her kid Hana won't leave until her friends get out too.

Sandy allowed them to come.

Hana gets invited on a cruise but she didn't know Chandler Riggs and his new girlfriend Brianna Maphis came along too.

When Hana was doing an interview on the cruise Chandler sat next to her.

Hana then gets attacked by Damien and he tries to kill her on live television.

After the "accident" Chandler and Hana hang out because Chandler caught Brianna cheating on him.

Chandler and Hana become friends again and he forgives her for the past.

They date again after the cruise and Hana feels sick again.

It turns out she got pregnant somehow.

Chandler stays with her this time.

Nine months pass and they figured out Damien is the kids father.

Hana starts school again for two weeks and then leaves to LA so she can film a tv show with Chandler Riggs (her boyfriend) and Brooke Sorenson (her best friend).

When she arrives she meets a guy named Dylan.

He wants to be friends with her but she won't let him.

A couple days pass and Hana finds out Chandler is cheating on her with Brooke.

She gets a little revenge and calls Emily Kinney to stay the night at her place.

While Hana stays at Emily's Sandy calls and tells her to go to set to film but Hana claims she quit.

Hana calls Dylan and they go and have a "date"

But on that date Hana just blows up and cries.

She then learns that Dylan had an ex that killed herself.

That's all for now I'll write soon hopefully

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