Creepy Phone Calls and Parties

Start from the beginning

"Calm down, your like a purse dog. What is wrong with you?" Gracie asked her brother shaking her head slightly.

"Sorry. Coach is riding my ass. We're supposed to have scout from Duke at tomorrows game," he replied still shaking his leg.

"The scout will be blown away tomorrow," Emma said moving forward, grabbing his leg to try to stop the shaking.

"So tonight relax," she finished while pulling him next to her on the couch.

"Well make me," he replied pulling her in for a kiss.

This caused Gracie and Brooke to scrunch up their noses in disgust.

"I'd say get a room but I don't want the cleanup," Brooke grimaced making Gracie giggle slightly.

She looked over to the living room door and saw Audrey and Noah walk in. She nudged Brooke, motioning her to look at them. Brooke frowned slightly seeing Audrey in her house not knowing why she was their. She grabbed Gracie's hand and dragged her over to the two friends.

"Hi Audrey. How are you?" Brooke said with a fake smile plastered on her face.

"Good, thanks. You,um, know Noah," Audrey replied motioning to her best friend.

"I have a little place just like this in the Hamptons," Noah joked causing Brooke and Gracie to let out confused laughs.

"Okay, that's funny," the small red head said still giggling.

"Um okay, food and drinks over there and suits in the cabana if you wanna swim," Brooke told them as Jake walked over to the four, standing next to Gracie.

"But suits are completely optional," Jake said throwing his arm around Gracie's shoulders, smirking at Audrey.

Audrey just walked past him shoving into his other shoulder. She stopped noticing everyone staring at her. She looked over to Emma who waved at her, mouthing a 'Hi' with a smile on her face.

"I'm the one who kissed a girl," Audrey shouted, storming off outside while grabbing a bottle of whatever alcohol she could see.

"Uh, you know, star of the viral video. Hey look, she's kissing a girl, right? Uh, we'll be outside," Noah awkwardly said, running out after Audrey.

"She's got a bottle of tequila and something to prove. I predict live girl on girl action by 10 p.m." Jake said smirking at Gracie.

She just looked at him shaking her head, disgusted by the boy.

"I can't believe she just showed up," Brooke said confused by Audrey's actions.

"She didn't. I invited her," Emma informed her friends looking at them all.

"Did you invite him too?" Will said looking at Kieran, who had just arrived at the party.

"Oh no, this one's all me," Brooke said walking over to Kieran.

"I'm gonna go and get a drink so see you guys later," Gracie said walking outside.


"I'm just saying, it's crazy that we were talking about slasher movies in language arts and then Nina got slashed," Riley spoke up causing Gracie to frown at her friend.

"Well, technically she was already dead when we started that conversation so there's no direct correlation," Noah explained to Riley.

"Dude, she's scared. Let's not negate that," Jake said putting a hand on Riley's shoulder. The small quiet girl shrugged his hand off her shoulder saying, "I'm not scared," laughing slightly.

A drunken Gracie walked into the living room and sat on Jake's lap asking him what they were talking about. He filled her in on the conversation and she joined in.

"Maybe we should be afraid. A bunch of drunk teenagers, party by the lake where your homegrown killer died. It's like a natural slasher setting," Kieran suddenly spoke casing everyone to look at him. Gracie cuddled into Jake looking for comfort as this had begun to worry her. He wrapped his arms around her comfortingly whispering in her ear to calm down and not to worry.

Kieran just looked at everyone smirking at them. Gracie and Jake looked at eachother frowning at what Kieran had just said.


"Party like this, your actually pretty safe from your typical Jason or Michael Myers type," Noah said as Riley walked with three beer bottles. She walked past Jake and Gracie passing Gracie one of the drinks just as Jake went out to grab it for himself. Gracie quickly got it smirking at him.

"Safe? But there's a lake, hormones, beer." Riley said tapping her bottle with Noah's.

"But we're together. You know slasher dude isn't the terminator, shooting his way through thirty cops and a police precinct, no. He's a wolf, waiting for one of us to wander off alone," Noah finished smirking.

"Okay this conversation is just getting creepy so I'm gonna go for a walk. I'll be right back Noah," Gracie said jokingly getting off Jake's lap and walking out.


Gracie ended up walking all the way to the dock at Wren Lake. She stood at the end of the dock looking into the water when she noticed something moving in the water underneath her. She bent down to get a better look and put her hand in grabbing the object. As soon as she grabbed onto it, she was suddenly pulled into the water. She finally got her head above the water having enough time to take a breath and scream for help. She screamed one last time louder than ever grabbing everyones attention. She was dragged under water one final time until she eventually couldn't breathe and fell unconscious.

Inside Brooke's house as everyone was listening to Noah's explanation, they all heard the final scream that Gracie had made. As soon as Jake had heard the scream, he shot up instantly knowing it was Gracie. Everyone ran out and over to the lake seeing her body floating in the water. Keiran had gone in and brought her out of the freezing lake. Will ran over to the commotion seeing his sister lying there lifeless in Kieran's arms as he tried to revive her. Eventually an ambulance had arrived and the paramedics ran over to the scene trying to revive the tiny red haired girl. They finally made an announcement that they had found a pulse but very weak. They put her in the ambulance and Will got in with them holding his twin's hand wishing for her to wake up. Little did anyone know that there was a killer on the loose and this was just the beginning.


Hey guys. I know that this isn't exactly the same as what happened in that scene but I felt like something should have happened to Gracie instead of Noah. But I hope you liked it.


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