Slasher Movie

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"I thought we agreed to trash that video!" Emma said harshly to her group of friends.

Brooke, the other blonde of the group who was sitting on top of the table, looked down at all of them. "She was bound to come out one day. Look at her," She replied shrugging her shoulders.

"What's the big deal if she is a lesbian?" Jake asked confused with the situation. Gracie, the small red haired bubbly girl of the group, looked over at him, glaring at him.

"The big deal is that is wasnt her choice to come out and tell the world, idiot!" Gracie replied with anger. He looked at her with shock and confusion as to why she was defending Audrey and shocked at how angry she was which wasn't normal. Gracie don't really talk to Audrey nor is she friends with her but it should have been her decision when to come out.

Jake looked down and Gracie looked at him with one eyebrow raised. "Jake?" she asked knowing he probably did something with the video.

He looked back up at her and sighed. "Look, I wasn't the only one on that group threat and I did delete the video... after I sent it to PJ," he said grinning at us. "Girl on girl is his demographic." he continued, slapping Will on the arm and laughing.

Gracie shook her head and just looked back at Emma. "Riley?" she asked the quieter one of the group.

Riley looked at her with guilt. "Sorry Zoe saw it on my phone," she replied shaking her head.

Emma looked at Gracie with a look of hope. "Gracie?" she asked her quietly.

"I did get the video but the minute I saw what it was I deleted it," Gracie said looking back at Emma.

"Promise that's the truth?" she asked with her eyebrows raised.

"I promise." Gracie replied with her usual smile on her face.

"Do you guys even understand the term 'viral'?" she asked the group with a little bit of disgust in her voice.

"I don't see Nina anywhere," Riley said looking around confused.

"You know she did the wide release?" Will told Emma, looking at her. They all nodded in agreement.

"Of course it was Nina," Brooke said rolling her eyes. "She's a spoiled sociopath with no impulse control. I mean she's probabl ditching right now to avoid your good girl wrath," she continued, looking at Emma.

"Em, your little friend will be fine," Gracie said looking at her with a smile.

"We're not really friends anymore," she replied sadly, shaking her head while looking away.

"Just give it 24 hours okay? Someone will text and drive their hybrid into a tree and we'll have a new headline," Will said reassuringly to Emma.

"Maybe Audrey will Taylor Swift her anger into creative energy for one of her little films," Brooke joked making Gracie giggle.

"Emma. She'll be fine okay?" Will said to Emma smiling. Gracie looked at Emma giving her a reassuring smile and grabbing her hand.


"Cavemen made fires. Those fires cast shadows and those shadows created fear," Mr Branson's voice said as he was writing on the board.

"Men have been obsessed with scaring eachother," he continued as Gracie was quickly writing down notes with a look of deep concentration on her face.

Gracie looked over to Brooke as she whispered to her. "His name's Kieran Wilcox. He just moved here from Atlanta."

Jake overheard their conversation and decide to make a comment. "I thought you weren't into high school guys." he said with his usal smirk.

Gracie looked behind her at him with sarcastic smile on her face. "No, Jake, that was just you." she said causing his smirk to falter and him to slide down in his chair a little bit.

Mr Branson turned around and his eyes scanned the room until they finally landed on one person."Brooke," Hearing her name she lifted her head looking at Mr Branson.

"Would you please tell us which genre originated with the castle of Otranto?" He asked raising his eyebrows a little bit.

"Uhm, the castle genre?" Brooke replied with a smirk on her face. Gracie looked at her with her eyebrows scrunched together.

"The gothic genre." Gracie said at the same time as Kieran. She looked back at him and gave him a smile. He sent one back and she turned around.

"Thank you Gracie, Kieran." Mr Branson said causing Gracie and Kieran to nod at him.

"Guys look I get it, nobody wants to sit around reading 500 dusty pages about monks and curses but nobodys forcing you to watch the walking dead," Mr Branson continued sitting down on his desk.

The minute Jake heard 'The Walking Dead', his hand shot up and he smiled saying "Ooh, is the walking dead on the midterm?"

Emma looked over at him laughing a little bit. "Zombies are not literature Jake," she said while he looked over at her dissapointed.

"Why not? George Romero, Horace Walpole, it's all the same bones," Kieran said making Gracie look back at him.

She looked back to the front when she heard Mr Branson's voice. "Or the same rotting flesh," Mr Branson said gesturing to Kieran. "Kieran's right."

"Gothic Genre is all over tv right now. You have American Horror Story," Mr Branson started but was interrupted by a certain red haired girl.

"Yay I love American Horror Story. It's awesome. Has anyone seen the new episode? No okay, I'll just shut up now Mr B," Gracie said causing the rest of the class to start giggling at her reaction.

"As I was saying, you have American Horror Story, Bates Motel, Hannibal," Mr Branson continued, giving Gracie a look that basically says 'shut up'.

"What about Texas Chainsaw or Halloween?" Jake asked Mr Branson.

"Uh those are slasher movies," Gracie heard a voice say. She looked over to where the voice was coming from and she saw that it was coming from horror movie geek, Noah Foster.

Jake looked at him confused. "So, you can't do a slasher movie as a tv series," Noah said making Jake and Gracie both look at him.

"Why not?" Gracie asked Noah, intrigued by his sudden comments.

"Well," Noah looked at Mr Branson and Mr Branson gestured for him to continue.

"Think about it. You know, girl and her friends arrive at the dance, the camp, the deserted town whatever. Killer takes them out one by one. Ninety minutes later, the sun comes up as the survivor girls sitting in the back of an ambulance watching her friend's bodies being wheeled past. Slasher movies burn bright and fast." He explained watching as everyone bacme more and more intrigued by every word he said.

"TV needs to stretch things out. You know, by the time the first body's found, it's only a matter of time before the blood bathe commences.

Gracie sat there with her mouth open. "Wow," was the only thing she could get out of her mouth.


Hey guys so I decide to make a Scream fanfic because I am literally obsessed with the show. I might post the second chapter today since I am not in school so hope you like the first chapter.


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