Grade 6

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Peter Parker was your best friend he was there the second you needed him you talked about everything and anything. You had a slight crush on Peter when you first became neighbours when you moved into the apartment right beside his. You stopped liking him when you Mary Jane moved in to the apartment next door to you, the moment Peter saw her you knew he loved you in a very different way, he was infatuated with her and all you'd ever be was the best friend. You soon felt that it was okay seeing as though you had developed feelings for peters best and only guy friend Harry Osbourne seeing as though Peter was a nerd and got bullied by flash since he was the most popular guy that made it impossible for Peter to have many guy friends. Your best friend was a girl named Gwen Stacey. You were fine being the 5 amigos. Grade 6 was quite the time for you guys.

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