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After being dragged along the forest for what seemed like an eternity, the trees began to grow less dense, until they became very sparse. We topped a grassy hill, that then gave way to a camp. A Few tents were pitched around a large firepit, and a large pool of water about 200 yards away had clothes drying on the sandy banks. They then led me into the biggest tent, and sat me down in a folding chair, infront of a card table with a lantern on it. The tent was filled with cots and sleeping bags, along with other miscellaneous camping goods. 

"Well, this is it. Welcome to the Coven." The man in the Beanie said.

"Coven?" I asked.

"We were on tour when the accident happened... Bastille yeah? That was us.   We got drunk and somehow let a random bloke on our bus, he told us that he was a vampire. . . and that with his help, he would propel us to fame and ultimately get us more money. His Name was Marco Cavalcanti, and he told us about how his family business had come to dominate the world with the help of his powers. We told him that he was crazy and that we didn't want to cheat our way to the top. He said he could prove it, and bit all of us. He killed all of our tour and maintenance folk, and while he tried to kill or diver, the bus driver ended up crashing the bus into an electrical pole and electrified himself. We managed to escape, but when we got out Marco was gone."

The man with black hair spoke up.

"We can't go back to the city, as Marco's agents are stationed all through it. We leaned that one the hard way. At best, we manage to sneak in once a month to get supplies, and that's it. "

I looked at everyone of them closely, with the light of the lantern, I could observe all of them with greater detail. As i studied their faces, I noticed they all bore a set of fangs and had heterochromic dark eyes that shifted colors in the light, except for the dark haired vampire, whose eyes remained incredibly blue. I could see no outline of blue where there veins should be, and to be perfectly honest,  they were all skinny and gaunt looking. much different from what I remembered from the t.v. and posters. But then again I could be thinking of a different band. But as I inspected their bodies further, I noticed they all had two small scars on either their neck or wrist, I gently touched my neck and felt the two marks on my neck. I used my tongue to search my mouth for any trace of fangs. I gasped. I pulled out my phone to use as a mirror, and opened my mouth. Where my old, small incisors used to be, a new set of strangely elongated fangs protruded past my row of upper teeth.

"this can't be real." I said.

"wish it weren't." Woody mumbled.

I looked at my teeth again to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. sure enough, the teeth were there.

"you have to let me go, please. I promise I won't tell anybody!!" I said. this whole mess is horrifying and I just want to be home with my cat, safe and sound snuggling under a comforter and watching a movie.

Kyle placed his hand roughly on my neck and pushed me back in my chair.

"You don't understand! We need you!!" he said, his voice raw and emotional.

"You are the only way that we can keep living."He whispered and looked down at the dead leaves that surrounded the floor of the tent. Will  pulled him off of me but I still sat back in the chair.

"You don't have a choice anyway."

woody grumbled.

"Stop all this. We'll take her back to her tent, and inform her in the morning."Dan said abruptly. the group hushed, as if Dan had some strange power over them. Dan studied their faces intensely before  turning around and walking out of the tent. it was still dark out, but I could tell it would be light soon. the rest of the group trailed behind Dan as we slowly trudged out of the tent.

"You sleep in that tent for tonight." Woody said pointing to a large blue tent. The guys talked amongst themselves and walked to their separate tents until I was left alone in the clearing. I made my way to the tent. it was filled with food and random tools and supplies. there were a few blankets folded up sitting on a crate, I cleared an area of tools and made a makeshift bed. I wrapped myself up in my blanket thinking about the life I was leaving. my friends, my family, my education, everything. I squeezed my eyes shut and wrapped the scratchy blankets around me , trying to make myself believe that I was back in my bed at home. it had all happened so fast,

so fast.  .   .

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