A Letter Home As A Soldier

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Bullets raining down on young Australians in the trenches. A young man, with the beginnings of trench foot, was sitting on the trenches muddy floor, covered with blood, rats, disease and death. Bodies of young and old men were slowly decaying, never to see their families again. Some of these men were his friends who died in battle. The young man; sitting down next to his dead brothers in arms, had a pencil and some paper, planning to write a letter home.

1st, Oct, 1917

Dear Mother, Father and my family back home.

My life has changed so much while being here. Life back home is so different from here at war. The food here is very good, but not as good as yours Mother. Breakfast is normally eggs and bacon, Lunch is sandwiches with salad, cheese and some meat, and dinner, we have different foods like meat pie and those kinds of things.

I'm waking up at 4:00am now, when the other side shoots bullets in the air. Don't worry, I'm nowhere near those bullets. My post is near the back of the trenches, so I'm not facing the enemy yet. I've also made some friends here. We have fun together, playing football or playing pranks on the higher ups or the other soldiers.

Some of my friends are sick now but they're alright. I can't believe six months has past. I miss you all dearly. Mother, I'm really grateful that I signed up. How is Father? Is he still mad at me? How are Jessie and Leah? Are they going okay at school? Is Amelia alright? Is the baby born yet? I have so many questions to ask, but it's hard to put them in words.

Hopefully I'll be home soon. I can't wait to see you all again.

Your son

Danny Sherman.

A month later, a telegram came to the Sherman's house. The telegram said that Danny was Killed In Action. Danny will never see or hold his baby girl who was born on the day he posted the letter home.

A Letter Home As A Soldier (SirenSinyx = wingsthatfly)Where stories live. Discover now