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I lie in bed with a different boy.

This love is different then what I originally liked. We are not addicted to each others touch, we do not talk about having a future, no words about marriage and children.

It wasn't the old love I liked,
but maybe I will learn to like it this way.


The boy holding me doesn't believe in marrying young.

He has never promised me a ring, or his last name as mine. You did. You always did everyday. The air around us is full of uncertainty and question but we won't ask them now; we've learned our lesson through trial and error.

Perhaps this is the way I like it now.


The mouth I'm kissing doesn't hold a bouquet of forevers.

Or a beautiful box of sweet promises.
I can walk away when I please and so can he, it will hurt but not enough to kill. We are not tied together with loose strings from our clothes or through our hearts. We are together with our holding hands, he makes me feel happy and safe. My addictions he is here to break, he's determined to get me healthy again.

Im beginning to like it this way.


This love isn't a white gown and shiny ring kind of love.

This love isn't going to last forever. This love isn't addicting. This love is safe. I'm not too young falling too hard in love. When he walks away I will not claw at my skin, I will not rely on him to keep my heart beating. When he leaves I won't slowly kill part of myself over the hole his absence left in my heart. But I like it this way, it is safe. A way I never planned on loving; a safe love to be in.

Yes I like it this way. ~

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