Chapter Two

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I turned my head to the left so that I could see my visitor to find that my suspicions were correct THE Matpat had come to MY orphanage and come to visit ME. He took a step back to let me get up and I scrambled to my feet now facing him. I saw Ms.Lee sit at the chair next to my door and Matpat asked me a question.

"Why were you crying?" He asked me and I looked down at the floor.

"Bad interview" I answered plainly.

He looked at my laptop that was open on my desk with his YouTube channel open "a fellow theorist huh? Well its nice to meet you I'm Matpat" he held out his hand for a shake.

Ice accepted the handshake "it is a pleasure to meet you sir please call me Ice" I smiled a bit.

"No need to be formal Ice just call me Matpat" he said

"What brings you to the orphanage?" I asked him picking up my desk chair and putting it next to my favorite corner. I motioned for him to take a seat and he did as I sat in my corner facing him.

"Well me and Stephanie were hoping to adopt a child she really wants to adopt someone young but she said she'd be fine with any age" he explained.

I nodded "that's a great thing to do no matter who you adopt you will be giving a child a new home one where they will have a family"

My phone started rigging singing "ITS YOUR BEST FRIEND CALLING PLEASE PICK UP THE PHONE I'VE GOT SOMETHING COOL TO SAY!" I answered it and put it on speaker

"Hello?" I ask and was answered with an excited person's yell.


"Well what was it?" I asked her


I chuckled "that's amazing Lizzy!"

"Do you have me on speaker?" She asked hearing Ms.Lee's soft laughs

"Yeah I do!" I exclaimed

"Oh Amy when will you come back to Florida to be back with your old friends?" Lizzy asked me and I started to tear up.

"L-lizzy you already know the answer to that question" I choked out

"Amy!? I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have said anything!" Lizzy said franticly

"D-don't worry about it Lizzy I can't go back home but it warms my numb and frozen heart to just hear your voice" I told her

"Oh Amy I miss you so" there was a moment of comfortable silence "I have to go now but I'll talk to you later ok?"

"Ok talk to you later I love you Lizzy" I wiped away some tears

"Love you too Amy bye" Lizzy responded

"Bye" I said sadly and then she hung up and I put my phone back in my pocket.

"Who was that and why did she keep calling you Amy?" Matpat asked

"That was Lizzy my best friend from before I was orphaned and she's the only one who can still call me Amy without me having a breakdown" I explained

I wiped the last of my tears and stood up "you should probably be getting back to Stephanie you've been here quite a while" I said helping him up from the chair.

"Why don't you come with me to meet her?" Matpat asked

"Sure" I answered

We walked down the halls with Ms.Lee not too far behind us.

We made it to where Stephanie was as she finished talking to a young boy about six years old.

"Hey Stephanie there's someone I want you to meet" Matpat says to Stephanie

"Who is it?" She asked curious

Matpat stepped out from in front of me revealing me to Stephanie.


The song above is another candidate for her theme song also Ice is six foot two inches just so you know

Hope you liked it!

Lots of love

Iceheart <3

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