Episode 4 (part 1)

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Me- "Only 3 more people, this game is coming now to the last episode, we have Ron and Fred and Draco, now we are going to play a game, let's see you knows Hermione better!"
Hermione- *Smiles*
Me- "The way this works is Hermione will be asking questions and you guys answer"
*The boys nod*
Hermione- "First question which is a easy one, what's my middle name"
Ron- "Jean"
Draco- "Jean"
Fred- "Jean"
Hermione- *Nods* "Easy everyone gets a point"
Hermione- "Favorite subject"
Ron- "Muggle studies"
Draco- "All of them of course"
Fred- "Charms"
Hermione- "You got it Fred"
Hermione- "In my first year, I was a attacked by a...."
Ron- "Troll!"
Draco- "Troll..?"
Fred- "Troll"
Hermione-*nods* Damnit not asking good questions
Hermione- "What's my birthday"
Ron-" September 19th"
Draco- "Um..."
Fred-" September 19th
Hermione- "Hobbies"
Draco- "Reading"
Fred- "Reading"
Hermione- "Last question, what's my wand core"
Ron- "um.."
Draco- "Dragon heartstring"
Hermione-"Time to go...
Sorry Fred......"
Fred-*Hugs Hermione and leaves*

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