No, bad wattpad!

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Anyone reading this? No? Ok...

If you are reading this please spam #CanYouHearUsNow everywhere!

The reason for this is because people all across WattPad are getting their book deleted because it's too inappropriate... This place is for teenagers and up it should be ok too have this stuff on WattPad! And if your a kid you should either get off or don't read those story's! Don't have WattPad delete books that people have word for weeks, months, even years on! And these are actual books that actual people have works on! It's like saying that Attack on Titan (shut up I read manga...) should be banned because it had blood n stuff... Yep... That's the same....

So please spread the word! #CanYouHearUsNow

Anyway to end my ranting i would like to tag a few people that have not done this...


That's basically all the people I know that have story's that could be lost...


Thanks @karmacrow for mentioning me in his! I didn't know this had happened...

That's all.. BAI! Don't forget to spread the word!


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