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The young drakeling awoke to sunlight invading the cave. She softly growled and opened her eyes. Sitting up to spread her small wings to stretch, she noticed that her parent was not there. After realization, she heard the sound of flapping wings before Smaug entered the cave. He dropped a pony onto the nest for (Y/N). While the hatchling ate, he sat and pondered for a while.

The north was where all of the remaining dragons resided. Both fire and cold drakes. Mating season ended one century ago and the eggs hatched one year later. She was still considered an infant. She could not fly or breathe fire yet. And she depended on him for constant food and comfort. Taking (Y/N) away from her home wasn't the brightest idea but he'd try anyway. Besides, as long as she had him, she would be fine.

'Let's get some fresh air' Smaug told (Y/N).

(Y/N) nodded and climbed onto Smaug's neck. He walked close to the exit of the cave and flew down to the ground. (Y/N) took in the scenery as they flew. Young hatchlings were with their parents in nests of their own. Whether it be a mother, father or both. (Y/N) rarely left their nest. It could be dangerous, especially with other dragons around. Dragons could get very territorial, especially if they had young.

The two drakes landed onto the ground. Being able to feel dirt beneath the drakeling's feet was a foreign feeling to her. She could feel the warm sun shine on the underdeveloped scales on her back. After several minutes, the fire-drakes left to head back to their nest.


'We may be leaving to find a new home'

The dragon cub leant against her father who was laying down at the moment.


The cub made a confused expression'

'What's wrong with here?'

Smaug exhaled and opened one eye.

'Remember that story I told you about Middle Earth?'

The drakeling nodded.

'We are headed there. You'll understand when you're older. Get some sleep. We'll leave tomorrow'

Smaug closed his golden colored eyes. The drakeling sighed and looked around the cave. This cave was her home. She was hatched here and had lived here all her life.

Her attention turned to Smaug when she heard his snoring. She simply exhaled and curled up when Smaug's tail wrapped around her and pulled her closer to his chest.

To Die For (Smaug x Offspring!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now