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As he walk in he wasn't wearing school uniform. He was wear a long black sweatshirt that has  hole in v line ,long baggy trousers and black shoes. The minute when he stand at the top of class everyone start to whisper. I look at everyone whisper about him than the teacher start talking.
" This a new student who arrived bit late.. His name is Aiken and please take of him" , no one clap and kept whisper. " Yuri , hey should we be clap..?"whisper kiko as she look around if anyone saw us speaking
I couldn't say anything back to kiko so I just kept look forward.
"OK is there any sits?"said the teacher look around and than looks where am.
"Ah~ there a sit behind Yuri um.. Aiken just go to the girl with short curly hair" said teacher point at where I was. Every one start to look when Aiken walked. As he reach where my desk was beside the window. He look at me smiled and went behind me sat down.
I ~blush~ and try to hid my face.
"OK I would call the roll book OK.. Niko!..."he said as one person calls "yes!". I kept look behind me and look if he was doing any thing But he was a sleep (😚).
" OK let go to the ceremony. Everyone stand and bow please and than line up in a straight line please one by one"
Everyone stood up. I look behind me and he was sleep but I couldn't wake him up because the teacher might see me. So I stood up and kept looking forward. Than the teacher started to look around if we were standing up and I look worry because he was sleep .
He reach where  I was and I shout "STOP!?"
He look at me and I looked at him  embarrassed
" why Did you tell me to " stop" Ms. Hirko?"he said
"Um ... Um..." I couldn't think of anything when I turn around he was stand. I start to blush and put my head down and said"am truly sorry sensei" as I hide my face well look forward.
"It alright Ms. Hirko " said the teacher as walking by me. Kiko look at  me and start whisper laugh and I gave her the face it wasn't funny. But I heard some one laugh too and I look behind me and gave me smiled that totally made me  ~blush~ as I  quickly turn to the front  again. I guess he wasn't  that  bad guy after all. Sight .... It was soooo embarrassed.

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