Ch 32 Firsts and Lasts

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Oh my gosh, I can't believe this is actually the last chapter! It's been so crazy, writing this fanfic. Enjoy! I'm sorry if it's not the ending you hoped for.

"Please, don't leave."

Nico held Reyna's hands, his plea floating on the air like a desperate bird with a broken wing.  It was just after Will's confession, and the day was coming to a close. The sun was sinking into the earth, sending out it's final rays in farewell. Reyna shook her head, her eyes cast down and full of sadness. "I need to go back to New Rome. I am their Praetor, they need me."

"I..." Nico was lost for words. They had been through so much together. Reyna leaving felt like his heart was being torn in two.

"I can't leave here, Reyna." Nico said. "Camp Half Blood is my home." Reyna nodded, "I know it is. I would never make you leave. I'll....miss you, Nico."

(Holy crap, I'm not even close to being done typing this and I'm already crying.)

Nico realized that he had tears in his eyes. He remembered everything in that moment: walking that lonely road by starlight, following the clues, shadow traveling to Tartarus, refusing to let Reyna fall alone...

Reyna reached out and dried Nico's tears. He embraced her, and she held him tightly. They just stood there for a moment, not wanting to stop.

Choking back tears of her own, Reyna let him go. Nico gripped her hands, looking deep into her dark eyes with his own. He was going to miss her beautiful smile, her laugh. He had been through Hell to find her, and now she had to leave. If only she could stay.

Before he fully knew what he was doing, Nico wrapped his arms around her waist. He leaned in, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him close.

When they kissed, the world stopped. Everything around them froze in time, bending towards the precious moment. For  a second, they both forgot the horrors of the past. Nico couldn't help but think that going through Tartarus was worth that kiss.

They pulled away slowly, savoring the moment. Reyna put a hand on Nico's cheek. "Please, visit me soon." "I will." Nico promised, fighting back the tears with everything he had.

Reyna started towards the car that will take her home to Camp Jupiter. Nico raised his hand in farewell, and Reyna did the same. She got inside, and Nico watched, letting a tear fall as the car drove down the road and into the dying rays of the sun.

He couldn't help but think of a song by Carrie Underwood he heard once on the radio. It's called "See you Again."

Said goodbye, turned around

And you were gone, gone, gone

Faded into the setting sun,

Slipped away

But I won't cry

'Cause I know I'll never be lonely

For you are the stars to me,

You are the light I follow

I will see you again, oh

This is not where it ends

I will carry you with me, oh

'Til I see you again.

That night, Nico couldn't sleep. Reyna was still on his mind, and his pillow was wet with tears. He hadn't even undressed for bed. As he turned over his bed, he felt something in his pocket. He took it out, a note.

He opened it. It said: 9, 12, 15, 22, 5, 2, 5, 15, 21, 14, 9, 3, 15. With a smile, he walked over to his desk and decoded the message.

The message warmed his heart. Drying a few stray tears, he leaned back in his chair, whispering the words he wished he said when she could hear him.

"I love you too, Reyna."

The End.

And that's a wrap! Holy cow, I'm crying! This is my first Reynico fanfiction, and I hope y'all loved it! Thank you, readers. But I have to give a special thanks to those who were with me from the beginning, enduring all of those cliffhangers. Thank you all, and for old time's sake, 9, 12, 15, 22, 5, 25, 15, 21, 7, 21, 25, 19.

For more, please check out my "Fallen" fanfiction, another Reynico story. Thank you guys, I couldn't have done this without you!


Fierce Hearted.

The search for truth- a Reynico fanficOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant