This Is How I Show My Love

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COMPLETED: It was the day of their wedding.

"Sansa" Shea called so she could fix her hair.

"Yes?" asked Sansa wen she came.

"Let me help" said Shea fixing her dress.

"Thank you" said Sansa with a pained look.

" Tonight will be hard" said Shea after an awkward silence.

"Tonight will be the worst night" said Sansa knowing what was in store for her.

"Don't worry too much Sansa"

Sansa could say whatever, too Shea.

Once they got her dress on Shea started on Sansa's hair.

They had finished and Sansa's heart was rising.

"Good luck" said Shea.

Sansa just nodded and walked out.

Her lord farther Ned Stark was to walk her down the isle.

"My sweet little dove," said Ned cupping his daughters face. " "Forgive me." He said.

She gave her farther a look of forgiveness.

He held his arm out and she accepted.

She started walking down the isle with her father.

She glanced ahead and saw Joffrey. The sight of him made her sick.

Soon they were saying their vows.

Joffrey's voice was careless.

He put the Baratheon cloak around his newly wed wife Sansa.

Sansa did not want to think what was going to happen after the wedding.

Joffrey and Sansa dance a few songs. Sansa in compleat pain. Joffrey had purposely stepped on Sansa's feet. She had looked at her farther a few times and each time he had a sorry look on.

Sansa had wished the song never ended, for then she had to share his bed chambers. Once the song ended the crowd picked the two up and carried them to Joffrey's bed cambers.

She looked towards her farther's direction and saw nobody she knew.

'He must be with the others, Arya and Bran' thought Sansa.

Sansa was placed on Joffrey's bed and so was he. Once the kings guard was out Joffrey made his first move.

'Please don't let him see me cry' thought Sansa as she turned her face the other way. "Take you clothes off whore." He demanded.

With trembling fingers Sansa managed to do as she was told.

He pushed her down and clutched her face hard.

He had taken his armor off and was now naked.

"Tonight you are my whore, nothing more." He said as he slapped her across the face.

A tear rolled down her face and she turned her face, praying he didn't see her.

"Turn to me, stark whore. I like too see you cry" Joffrey said.

He had entered her body. Sansa hated that feeling. It seemed sick. And made her stomach turn.

He stared at her the whole time. Sansa wanted to trow up, but didn't only for her safety. Sansa just looked at the roof. She didn't want to think about the rest of her life with him.

Their body's pressed against each others. Sansa found that unforgivable.

He punched for a few times causing her skin too redden and welt.

Joffrey slammed his skinny pale lips to Sansa's full red ones. He didn't like when she didn't moan. So he bit her lip hard. Blood oozed out from the plump lips. Sansa screamed making Joffrey strike her hard across the face yet again.

The blood from Sansa's lip appeared on his face. He loved her pain.

Tonight he felt as if this didn't hurt her as much as he wanted but inside Sansa was slowly dying. Joffrey got up to his table with his weapons. He grabbed the whip he would often use when his slaves wouldn't listen. Then he returned to the bed which lay Sansa.

"Get up, stark whore"

"Yes your grace" said Sansa.

"Bend over the bed, with your legs open" he yelled at her.

He whipped her three times so hard Sansa bit her lip once more not wanting Joffrey too hear her cry.

Than Joffrey hit her harder on her gentle bear skin, leavening big red welts.

A drip of blood fell from Sansa's lip.

He turned her over and entered her again. Once he had his satisfaction he lay beside her.

"Go to sleep. I'm done with you" he said throwing her body away like a piece of trash. Joffrey feel asleep. Joffrey found Sansa attractive and so did she (on the inside).

She dressed herself and then looked at Joffrey's sleeping body.

"Little shit" she whispered as she wondered her fingers against her new welts that burned like fire.

Sansa laid back in the bed with Joffrey. He was naked still and Sansa couldn't stand the sight. She put the covers over him and straightened them with care. Her hair was down in a soft loose ponytail braid.

She turned her head and saw the huge window Joffrey had and looked out at the stars. 'The only way to stop this torture is...,' Sansa thought as she rose from the bed to the table Joffrey was at. The weapons intrigued her. She had picked up the knife Joffrey got for his 14th name day last year wen he was deemed a man.

She crawled back in bed. She held the knife up to him and whispered what her sister had told her if she ever needed to kill someone, "stick them with the pointy end" she mumbled.

But be for that she said "in my honor as a stark, lord Eddard Starks daughter, and nobody's WHORE... I will show you no mercy." and she stabbed right at Joffrey's heart. He woke instantly holding his heart.

"You heartless little bitch." He said looking at Sansa who had a smirk on her face. He rested his head and took his final breathe. Sansa kissed his forehead good bye. She got herself up. She washed the blood off herself and Joffrey. She fixed his body so perfectly. Sansa changed her clothing in to something every simple.

"Ill miss you family" she said as she walked to the large window. The doors opened and guards of all sorts rushed to Joffrey. But everything around Sansa was slow she stepped on the ledge of the window. Right then Lord Eddard Stark came in. He looked over and saw Sansa about to jump.

His heart stopped beating. He yelled good bye and she jumped high off the window. For a moment she felt like a little dove flying in the wind "this is how I show my love" she said before hitting the hard ground of Kings Landing.

Ned Stark ran down to where his daughter lay.

He was cradling her head. Not wanting to except his little Dove is dead. "Spread your wings my Dove and fly to the heavens where you belong. I will always love you" he said looking up to the sky.

Her days of torment were finally over.

He clasped her hand soft and said "I'll meet you on the other side"

Justice was served for Sansa and her family....

Song: sail, Awolnation

Type: sanjoff

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Feb 26, 2014 ⏰

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