volume one

394 28 28

,,people are staring, time to go quick in, skin is on fire" (representation of anxiety in obsession ; marina diamandis)

first time that iwaizumi had seen it happen, it unwrapped right in front of him rather quickly. a boy with a mop of brown hair and jeans too tight for his already skinny legs was located at the hotels bar.
  a tall man had walked up to the boy from the back, his hand slipping money bills with large numbers in te boys back pocket. iwaizumi clearly saw the mans lips lean towards the boys ear and whispering something.

iwaizumi could see it on the boys face. a slow painful blink with his long lashes touching tops of his cheek bones. the shaky breath the brown eyed boy le out as he exed down a full glass of liqour.
the poet boy saw as the other ones lips moved only slightly forming words. he pulled out a key from his front pocket and lead the man to the stairs towards the towards the room.

hajime then noticed that the gorgeous brown haired boy sold his body. he sighed, picking up his notebook and pens, leaving a proper ammount of money (plus the tip) under his coffee mug and headed for his room just as well.
as he got there he unlocked the door of room 58 looking at the door next to his, that clearly said 60. the boy owned this room. iwaizumi sighed as he neatly put away the notebook with his other notebooks, same with pens.
he took off his shoes and shirt, folding it and then laid down on his bed. he could hear the creaks of a bed from the room next to his, along with low moans and pleadings. he wonered if the boy was the one moaning and begging.
exactly forty minutes later all the noise stopped, amd murmurs of voices were heard and he heard a door close. the boy was done with his customer.
iwaizumi scrunched up his nose in disgust, that man looked at least fifteen years older than the brunette.

honestly iwaizumi couldn't help himself but to think what had brought such a beautiful boy to do such horrible things. so he wrote a poem about him.

an ode to the sacrificed body

and i've seen you
i've seen your beauty around.
in my dream maybe,
where you, a prince, would stay.
i've seen how frail,
your face seems when you sell,
your own self.

did you forget,
how beautiful you must have been?
but your body,
it's disorted, discarted, sacrificed.
i guess this is,
an ode for a sacrifice of a body,
that became a ruin.
-iwaizumi hajime

hajime closed the notebook and put everything into their place again. he tried sleeping. it was midnight and he could feel his fingers twitching, he should have been asleep at eleven.  so he fell asleep.
his sleep was short, or it so seemed, as if something didn't let him sleep. he was awoken to soft sobs, from near. he sighed loudly, hoping it was loud enough for that person to hear it. he made his way to his small balcony, only big enough for two chairs and a small coffee table. the balcony was framed with a firm wooden fence, that mached the outside decor of the hotel building.
he sat down, his spiky hair, slightly down from sleeping. on thd balcony next to his the beauty himself laid across the two chairs in a sweater and boxers. he was crying.

,,won't you quit your crying, i can't sleep, crybaby." iwaizumi muttered, stressed for sleeping only two hours.

the boy flinched, and looked up, his eyes finding iwaizumis somewhere in the dark. blush rose to his cheeks and he looked away, his skin burning from iwaizumis eyes. ,,my name is not crybaby, it's oikawa tooru." he whispered only to be heard for the other one.
   iwaizumi felt sorry for the boy. ,,nice to meet you oikawa, my name is iwaizumi hajime." he yawned, them smiled a bit to the boy and walked back into room 58 and fell asleep peacefuly.

oikawa wiped his tears of and headed back into the cold space of room 60, where he spent the night alone once again.

[712 words]

i trIED I SWEAR i'm sorry it's shitty i forgot how to write

GrandKingOikawa  it's your turn next buddy!

Ryan oUT

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