Taking On the Boss

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                    (Cue epic music!)
               ~ In the Bosses Office ~
                    <~ Your P.o.V ~>

I was sitting on a weird looking chair that had fish and other sea creatures drawn on it while I was facing my boss, Harold at his desk.

So far, we hadn't said anything and to be honest, it was making me feel uncomfortable. But lucky for me, Hank had noticed my discomfort, so he started rubbing my back and whispering sweet nothings to me.

"Aye, kid. Don't stress, everything'll be alright. I know it.", he said while staring at me with his big, ocean blue eyes.

"I hope you're right...", I whispered back to him, which caught the attention of Harold.

"Whatcha say (Y/n)?", he said in his heavy Jersey accent while he was on his computer.(forgot to mention that he was on that before 😅)

"Huh? *cough* OH, nothing! I just kinda got a tickle in my throat" *cough*, I said while pretending to have a coughing fit.

"Awww, don't play that shit on me (Y/n), I know you were 'talking' to 'him'", Harold said as he pointed to Hank, who was sitting on my left shoulder.

"Speaking of that, how did you find out that this...thing...was male anyway?", he asked while raising a brow at me.

"Hahah..well actually...I found out by just...talking to him.", you said feeling somewhat dumb.

Harold looked at you in disbelief and shock, then continued talking.

"H-how? If you don't mind me asking.", he asked, waiting for your reply.

"Well, you see, I'm an.....animal whisperer...", you said feeling way more dumber and embarrassed, but luckily Hank was there to ease you.

"If you don't mind me asking, but..WTH is an animal whisperer?!", he asked as if he were both angry and shocked, but you weren't to sure. But when he asked you, you could feel Hank on your shoulder tense up, which indicated that he was probably mad at Harold.

"Uhm...it's a person that can talk to animals..", you said feeling nervous and scared.

"Ok, if you are a person that can talk to animals, then tell me what his favorite color?", he asked.

I then looked over at Hank on my shoulder and asked him.

"What's your favorite color?"


I then looked back over at my boss and told him.

"His favorite color is blue, sir.", you said back to your boss, feeling confident for giving him a clear answer.

"Ok, then....does he have a mate?", your boss asked as you bag an to blush.

"H-hold on a sec.", you said as you were still blushing, then you looked up toward Hank and asked.

"U-Uhm...do you have a...mate, Hank?", you asked feeling super embarrassed about asking him a question like that.

Hank looked at you then looked down toward the ground.

"With the way I look, I don't deserve to have a beautiful mate...", he said while still looking down.

Hank's New Goal(Hank the Octopus X Human Reader story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum